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Usecase of using AtomicStampedReference & AtomicMarkableReference

I am looking for a example of AtomicStampedReference and/or AtomicMarkableReference, that could help me understand these classes and their functions. I am not able to get any quality examples over the web. I can think of using these in garbage collection, but a quality example will help me understand these better. Answer Practical examples (Complicated) For AtomicMarkableReference: For AtomicStampedReference

Reading data from mysql database using java

Firstly, I’m reading the product name and number of products from user using jTextFields. For that product I read the product id and price from database using sql query. But in the below code I display the product price in a jtextField but while running tha file I get query executed successfully but I’m not getting anything in the jtextField.

what is the use of annotations @Id and @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)? Why the generationtype is identity?

Why we are using this annotations? i need to know if this autoincrement my table id values. (GenerationType.IDENTITY) is there any other types whats actually happening when we use this annotation *Is it necessary to extend Domain abstract class?What is the use? Answer First of all, using annotations as our configure method is just a convenient method instead of coping

GetWindowTextA, GetWindowText returns empty value on Edit Control

I’m trying to list and get the content of Edit Controls from an external Window in C++ / Java, unfortunately with no success. When I call GetWindowText or GetWindowTextA it returns an empty value on Edit Controls, I know there are some differences between GetWindowText / GetWindowTextW and GetWindowTextA but I don’t know What I’m doing wrong since it works

How can I shuffle the letters of a word?

What is the easiest way to shuffle the letters of a word which is in an array? I have some words in an array and I choose randomly a word but I also want to shuffle the letters of it. I am not supposed to use that List thing. I’ve come up with something like this but with this code

Delete highlighting in JComboBox

When a JComboBox is just made and added and all the background of the selected item is just normal and white: (ignore the enormous spacing after the text) When I then open the list and hover my cursor over an item, that item get’s highlighted, all normal, nothing wrong with it. But the problem now is that the highlighting stays

Mockito when method not working

I am using mockito as mocking framework. I have a scenerio here, my when(abc.method()).thenReturn(value) does not return value, instead it returns null. } Java class When ever i run the test file the when is not working and i am using mockito1.8.5 jar in the buildpath. The service call is being mocked but returns the null value. This object dqCntlWfDefnTyp
