I am trying to create an instance of Instant from date and time strings. Date is formatted like this yyyy-MM-dd. So the values could look like this: I am trying to make a valid instant from this 2 strings like this: I have also tried with it: But, that is not working, I get: Answer You can combine the date
Tag: zoneddatetime
How to store ZonedDateTime of java in TIMESTAMPTZ in oracle?
I want to store the ZonedDateTime in TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE datatype in oracle. If I am trying to store string directly as a String it throws not a valid month. then I found that I can convert it to the TIMESTAMPTZ in java then store because we need to convert the string to TIMESTAMPTZ and its throwing error. Error/stack
How to compare a ZonedDateTime’s time with another ZonedDateTime but with only time and not date?
I have two dates in my Local Time time. “2021-09-01 07:00:00 AM” and “2021-09-01 08:00:00 AM” (PST) I’m trying to check if these two dates are between two times, 8 am and 10 pm of another time zone. (EST) I’m stuck on how I can compare the starting time zones, startEst and endEst with the two times 8 am and
Convert LocalDateTime UTC to Europe/Rome gave me wrong result
I tried to search for the same problem but didn’t find what I’m doing wrong. I need to convert a UTC LocalDateTime to a Europe/Rome LocalDateTime. I’m following this approach that I found on SO but I’m having a wrong result: I’m expecting the “converted time” to be 17:00 but I’m having this result. Thanks Answer I’m expecting the “converted
Java – ZonedDateTime does not correctly convert to Date object?
I have the following Java code: The Issue I am having is that convertedDateis not correct in comparison to the zonedDateTime object. For Example when I have a zonedDateTime object of: with zone: The code above converts this to: What I would be expecting here is As the Africa/Abidjan timezone is 2 hours ahead of BST. How can I solve
Formatting ZonedDateTime for previous years
I am trying to format MM/dd/YY into uuuu-MM-dd’T00:00:00Z. I have the following code. String dateTime = “12/10/20”; DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(“MM/dd/yy”); Date date; …
ZonedDateTime to Date before Java 8 in early Android
I am trying to replace the ZonedDateTime.toInstant method because it is only available since API 26 for Android. But my app is supposed to support API 19. I want to convert the ZonedDateTime to a Date so i can do something like this: What i want to achieve is the following: I want to calculate the difference between the current
LocalTime() difference between two times
I have a flight itinerary program where I need to get difference between departure and arrival time. I get these specified times as String from the data. Here is my problem: Output: The first time returns the difference between 11:39 and 14:35 just fine. But the second difference is only 5 hours while it should be 19 hours. How can
Converting string to ‘Instant’
I am trying to convert datetime in a string to an Instant instance using Java 8 or a utilities package. For example, to reqString is in the America/Toronto time zone. This is what I tried The above code results in “2018-05-12T23:30:00Z”. How can I do it? Answer tl;dr Fix your formatting pattern for unpadded month and day. Use only java.time
Convert ZonedDateTime to LocalDateTime at time zone
I have an object of ZonedDateTime that is constructed like this How can I convert it to LocalDateTime at time zone of Switzerland? Expected result should be 16 april 2018 13:30. Answer How can I convert it to LocalDateTime at time zone of Switzerland? You can convert the UTC ZonedDateTime into a ZonedDateTime with the time zone of Switzerland, but