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Tag: date-format

Error org.threeten.bp.format.DateTimeParseException

I know that there is a lot of similar questions like this but cant apply these solutions on them. i am trying to transform date that i am getting from server int this format: 2019-07-26T02:39:32.4053394 and then i am trying to convert it to milliseconds like this: in my onCreate i call this method: but keep getting Caused by: org.threeten.bp.format.DateTimeParseException:

Gson dateformat to serialize/deserialize unix-timestamps

I am using Gson to serialize/deserialize my pojos and currently looking for a clean way to tell Gson to parse/output date attributes as unix-timestamps. Here’s my attempt: Comming from PHP where “U” is the dateformat used to serialize/deserialize date as unix-timestamps, when running my attempt code, I am a RuntimeException: Unknown pattern character ‘U’ I am assuming that Gson uses

java format particular date with T character

What is the correct form for parse this date?: 2015-05-29T00:00:00+02:00 Answer Try with Notice that MM represents months, while mm represents minutes. if you want to have 24h format use HH, hh is for 12h format XXX represents time zone in format like -08:00 to add literal like T in format you need to surround it with single quotes ‘

dd/mm/yyyy vs dd/MM/yyyy?

Result is todays date i.e 23/03/2014 But when i do result can be 23/05/2014, 23/05/2014, 23/06/2014 and son with each run of prgram. Why so? Answer It’s because mm is for minutes, not months. More in the documentation.

“Java DateFormat is not threadsafe” what does this leads to?

Everybody cautions regarding Java DateFormat not being thread safe and I understand the concept theoretically. But I’m not able to visualize what actual issues we can face due to this. Say, I’ve a DateFormat field in a class and the same is used in different methods in the class (formatting dates) in a multi-threaded environment. Will this cause: any exception

Java date format – including additional characters

Is there an equivalent to php date() style formatting in Java? I mean, in php I can backslash-escape characters to have them treated literally. I.e. yyyy year would become 2010 year. I did not find anything similar in Java, all examples deal only with built-in date formats. In particular, I deal with JCalendar date pickers and their dateFormatString property. I
