I have been making a sorting algorithm visualizer in Java using Java Swing and AWT and coded insertion sort to see if it would be able to work. The algorithm works in the sense that when this program is run you can shuffle and sort the algorithm using insertion short but you don’t actually see the algorithm in action. It
Tag: user-interface
No png File created after creating snapshot of parent node and saving through FileChooser.showSaveDialog() Java
Hi all so i am attempting to create a gui where one can drag and drop images of components into a stackpane, then take this finished layout / image (of multiple uploaded images) and put it into an excel file, i figured it would be better to save a local version of that snapshoted node first on the users computer
Cannot enable grayed-out (.setEnabled(false)) JtextField or JTextArea
Unfortunately, I cannot turn on .setEnable() for a JTextField, or a JTextField (tried both). It keeps remaining gray, so users cannot type. Please help me out. Details: taTwo can be either a JTextField or JTextArea but any I try cannot be enabled. It should be disabled for A but should be enabled for B, so if user choose A he/she
Openjdk-17.0.2 with javafx in termux
Hello I installed openjdk-17.0.2 In termux and I want to make a javafx application I start finding the sdk of javafx for java 17.0.2 but I got nothing. Can anybody tell how can I install the javafx for the openjdk 17.0.2. Or how can I install java 18.0.1 in termux because there is a option to download javafx sdk for
Can’t Change button or panel location in Swing (Java)
I can’t change the location of Button or Panel in “setbounds” in java swing.It’s just stuck to the top. What should I change here? Should I add a “Gridlayout” to the button or something? Changing the panel location does nothing for the button. public class Main { Answer In Java Swing, a layout manager decides on where the contained components
How to create an array with random numbers and send it to listener without randomizing it again?
So i’m trying to create a program that create an array of 100 random numbers (without changing everytime user reacts to it), and allow users to check the numbers by entering the index of it. However, the array keep randomizing everytime the user pressed the Show Element button. I also tried to create the array on the main program, but
Is it possible to manipulate the operating system (Windows) with java?
Is it possible to manipulate the operating system with java? I wanted to build a program that manipulates the operating system by creating keys in the windows registry, observes the behavior of the hardware (like a task manager) Answer Yes it is possible call native code to perform OS specific calls from Java – such as manipulate the Windows Registry.
Is there a faster way to create 12 buttons?
I am doing a task where I need to create a 3×4 GridLayout with 12 buttons. The task is when I click any of the buttons, all other buttons change the value to 1. Now, this is how I did it: My question is – is there a faster way to do this than just copying the same lines 12
Java bindBidirectional
I have the following problem. My task is to create a double bond between my sudoku field object and its graphical form in the GUI. So far I’ve managed to come up with something like this. The solution works, but if you enter any character other than a number, it throws a parse error. Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable number: “a”
Trying to figure out how to print what user picks from this GUI code on to another GUI
Trying to figure out how to print what the user picks from this GUI onto another GUI and make it look like an airline ticket or receipt. I’m pretty sure I can design the airline ticket GUI. I’m having trouble coming up with code that would take whatever the user inputs and picks from the GUI code below and print