My app has a service layer which is composed by CDI applications scoped beans: When a method gets called, an interceptor (in my case BValInterceptor.class from Apache BVal) checks if the method contract is respected by checking the annotations and validating the parameters accordingly. As you can see, there are some custom constraints like @SectionExists, @PostExists that may hit the
Tag: unit-testing
Mockito:: Unit test case for JsonProcessingException when passing object
I have a class as shown below: Now I am trying to write a unit test case for this where I can throw exception and unit test the catch clause using Mockito but I am not able to mock it. I have noticed that object mapper class internally converting everything to string even if I set name and age to
Set value for private final static inlined variable using Mockito
I’m trying to test a method which calls another method which makes use of a private final static variable initialized inline. I’m then trying to change the value for the variable when the tests run. I’ve been trying things such as spring reflection or adding a setter for that specific field but maybe I should use something as powermock, which
Java Test with coverage fails on methods that use Scanner, but the same test passess successfully if only the particlar test method is executed
I am new to Java and I have been struggling with this issue where the test with coverage fails on a method that takes input (via Scanner). The strange thing about it is that, the exact same test passes if I only run the particular test method from intellij. I have been able to replicate it to some extent in
No runnable method in JUnit test Suites (Initialization error)
I am trying to implement JUnit TestSuites with my 3 Test Classes and run them at the same time. But when ever I run that test suite it gives me error as Initialization Error with “No runnable method found.” This is my test Suite class named as This is JUnitTesting_AddPatientPage.class This is my JUnitTesting_DentalCategoryPage.class This is my JUnitTesting_LoginPage After
Mock Property value resides in constructor and add that mock while using @injectBean annotation
I have a class where one attribute is getting value from outer repo. Now I want to write an unit test for it. When I run this snippet, it shows a null pointer exception in repository.getValue() May I know how can I mock the value properly to avoid exception? Answer The reason that InjectMocks is not working could be because
Spring Boot service layer: Unit or Integration tests?
I have a service: I have written Integration tests for both database (BookRepository) and controller layer (BookController which uses BookService). I can’t find anywhere examples of integration tests for service layer. If I write unit tests properly, is there any use case for writting integration tests for it? As far as I can tell (it’s not a rule, but common
How do I compare Integer and Long types with Junit?
How do I compare Integer and Long types with Junit ? The result of assertThat(poiList.get(0).get(“id_pk”)).isEqualTo(member.getId_pk()); is: The two types are: How can I compare 1 and 1L to be equal? best regards Answer You can convert Integer to Long via java.lang.Integer#longValue: BUT beware of Null pointers, if poiList.get(0).get(“id_pk”) is null then a Null Pointer Exception will be thrown!
Mockito – NullpointerException when invoking method from Service
Hi I am trying to test the method but it returned null and I don’t know why; Method should work properly but still, I have NullPointerException and the test method, maybe it`s because of final methods or something, I have no idea there is stacktrace for my program. Some exceprion and error, sorry for screens in comment but i didnt
Testing @PreAuthorize annotation with hasAuthority()
I am trying to unit test my apis that have @PreAuthorize annotation. I am getting the cognito groups from the Jwt and using them as authorities. I check the same in the preauthorize annotation in the api methods. UPDATE: I get the 404 No mapping Delete profile/VOlUc3F5A_test.txt exists Test class: Controller method: Answer The error message states that this.mockMvc is