Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 28 days ago. Improve this question Hi: this code get compiled: But with runtime issue. The list local variable is of ArrayList but not any ArrayList<xxx> generic type. Why java let
Tag: types
Why this lambda function does not remember type, in Java? [closed]
Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 8 months ago. Improve this question
Generic restTemplateExchange with generic responseType
I would like to create a own generic method that calls the In particular I would like that the signature of this generic method to be : I would differentiate what exchange method call according to “responseType” if responseType is Class< T> I call * exchange(URI url, HttpMethod method, HttpEntity<?> requestEntity, Class< T> responseType)* if responseType is ParameterizedTypeReference< T>
Java Junit test case fails as it gets expected value type of String and actual value type of ArrayList
I am writing a Junit test case and the test case fails due to the mismatch in type. When I see the difference I see that the expected value is in String and the Actual value is ArrayList but the rest of everything is the same. Is there any way to compare only the content and not the type? Following
ANTLR AST visitor that returns different data types
I finished converting the ANTLR CST into an AST and created a specific Visitor<T> interface that allows me to visit all my AST nodes, but the main issue i’m having is that some visits should return different data types, and i’m not sure how to go about this. For example, for simple arithmetics operations i want to return a double
Table-like data structures that can handle different data types? [closed]
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 10 months ago. Improve this question Are there any data structures and/or libraries in Java that will allow for the creation of what would essentially be
data type and calculate average in java
I am working on a java code that calculates the average of grades in an array for N of students and it is working fine when I enter grades like {3,4,3} but when I use numbers with decimals like {3.7,2.5,3.2} it starts giving me errors and I want to make a class of data type Students for example. Any help
How to return the same generic Collection-type with different element-type?
I have a method, that maps elements of a collection to other object and returns a collection containing the mapped elements. I want the returned Collection to be of the same Collection-type as the input Collection, but with a different element type. My method would look something like this: Obviously the part R extends C<T> doesn’t work. How can I
Is there a default type for numbers in Java
If I write something like this Which type has the ’18’? Is it int or byte? Or doesn’t it have a type yet? It can’t be int, because something like this is correct: And this is incorrect: EDIT: I think I found the right part in the spec at Assignment Conversion : The compile-time narrowing of constants means that code
Want to store Object in MySQL database
I have a variable in java which return type is Object(java.lang.Object). I want to store this variable value in MySQL database without casting in any other primitive data type. Is there any data type available in MySQL related to Object? Answer You can use a BLOB to store the raw data, but otherwise no, MySQL does not have a datatype