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Tag: timestamp

org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSException: content-type attribute value does not match eContentType

I’m currently building a TimeStamp server using BouncyCastle. Server is working well but on the client side, when I want to validate the TimeStampResponse received I’m getting the following error: org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSException: content-type attribute value does not match eContentType On the server side, I’m including the content-type attribute like this: and on the client side: It seems that I include correctly

Get Timestamp in specific format

I have a timestamp saved in Azure SQL Database in the format of 2004-09-23 10:52:00. When I fetch the value, I am using sqlrowset where I am using getString(“last_updated_user”) and getting output like this “2004-09-23 10:52:00.0”. When I tried using getTimeStamp(“last_updated_user”), I am getting in microseconds. Can someone help me on formatting it to “2004-09-23 10:52:00” based on some in-built

Convert java.time.Instant to java.sql.Timestamp without Zone offset

In the application I am developing, I need to convert java.time.Instant object to java.sql.Timestamp. When I create Instant object like: I receive something like 2017-03-13T14:28:59.970Z. And when I try to create Timestamp object like this: I receive something like 2017-03-13T16:28:59.970Z. The same result but with an additional 2 hour delay. Can someone explain why this is happening and provide me

Java Entities Dates fields and Oracle TIMESTAMP data types

In my entities classes I use to define the temporal fields as follows: In my oracle DB the columns mapped by those fields are of type TIMESTAMP. What are the implications of this configurations: Are my dates implicitily UTC dates ? Does it mean I have to be careful on handling by myself Daylight saving time issues ? Answer The

How to initialize Google protocol buffers Timestamp in Java?

Google protocol buffers (3.0.0-beta2) offers the well-known type Timestamp. The documentation describes the initialization in Java using System.currentTimeMillis() as following: Is there an alternative way in the recent Java 8? Answer Starting with Java 8, there is the new Date/Time-API which makes this more appealing to the reader using java.time.Instant The result should be the same concerning precision.
