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Tag: testng

How to generate test-output folder from testng tests?

How to generate the test-output folder for a testNG test? I am trying to get the default testng report, index.html Netbeans7/windows7 I made a simple testng test case, ran it in netbeans 7, and here is the result. I see no test-output. I am displaying the project and file structure. If I need to do something with ant or maven,

How to implemet singleThreaded=true in TestNG

In TestNG i am trying to undertand the use of singleThreaded=true attibute of @Test Annotation .I already referred and but didn’t got much help . My Question : Why do we need to execute method on single thread. Running on multiple thread can save out time. Note : In the example given at He said :: “the

selenium webdriver move slider on left side

I want to move slider on left side of slider-bar. However, selenium webdriver moves it to right side but it does not move to left side. I want to move slider to 25% of total width of slider-bar. I am using below given code with java 1.8 with selenium 2.44. I have tried all the option using up,down,left,right arrow key

How to run TestNG from command line

How exactly do I run a .java TestNG project from a command line? I have read through the TestNG documentation, and tried the following to no avail: … with the following testng.xml file in my project: The error I get is this: Obviously, I am not referencing TestNG correctly in my command line. Does anyone know how to get this

Retrieve test name on TestNG

Can I retrieve currently running test name like in JUnit (using getName() or rules)? P.S. I don’t want use some self-written tool based on stack traces. Answer According the to TestNG documentation at: you can implement listeners that might be able to help you with your problem. Look at section 5.16 TestNG Listeners, and in particular the IInvokedMethodListener (javadoc:
