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Tag: switch-statement

Switch Case In ActionPerformed?

Ive gone through some stack overflow questions and found this similar question. From what I understand using a switch statement in an actionPerformed method for this context will not work and an if-else statement is required. Is there a more efficient way to do this without having repetitive code? I’ve heard I could use Abstract Action to give multiple buttons

How to group cases in a switch statment? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I currently have 31 cases in my Java switch statement. Originally, there were 30 and I have now added one more.

Continuity Issue in Java Calculator

I am new to Java, and I’m doing a calculator APP. I’m trying to get my calculator to keep prompting the user for the correct answer (typing Y or N) after the else statement following ‘Invalid Input’. I want the program to continue with the calculations after the correct input is finally entered. I have played around with an embedded

Transforming if-else into switch case throws error [Java]

I tried to convert my if-else statements into a switch case but I had the following problem. Old code: New code: First, the String database threw an error that I have to change setting/property (actually don’t know) into version 1.7?! After doing so, my cases are throwing now errors. They say: Type mismatch cannot convert from boolean to String. I

java: loop with switch only works sometimes

I’m really scratching my heard on this one. I’m new at java, and I’m having the strangest thing happen. It’s homework and I’m taking it one step at a time. My issue is the loop just keeps going and stops asking for input, just keeps looping until it terminates. My comments are largely for myself. I tried to extract what
