I’m using Normalizer.normalize(url, Normalizer.Form.NFD) to avoid having characters like é in my url, and I do not understand the meaning of the Normalizer.Form consts (NFC, NFD, NFKC, and NFKD) or when to use each one. I consulted the documentation but this did not help at all. Does anyone have any idea on this topic? Thanks in advance! Answer D=Decomposed e
Tag: string
How to remove characters between two specific characters in a String?
How to remove characters between two specific characters in a String? Example: Original String: “Hello <>Remove this String<> how are you?” Modified String: “Hello <><> how are you?” Answer You can use regex like this: Output: Hello <><> how are you?
Separate List in Java
I need help on separating List. I am really new to this I have a code that results to this [[a, b, c, d, e], f] setOfLetters() is from a query My question is how can I make my result like this? [a, b, c, d, e, f] Is it by using for loop? Or anything you can suggest. Thanks
Complex splitting of a String using REGEX, only discarding spaces
In Java (JDK 11), consider the following string: I am trying to come up with a RegEx that will split anything that isn’t a digit, whilst keeping the separators except space. So in the above example, I would like to end up with the following array: Do note the leading zeroes in 006, and -7. The code I am using
problems at splitting strings in java
I’m new to java and I want to know how to splits strings with values. I had an array like this : and I want to divide each string into 3 values, the name (String) the x-value (double), and the y-value (double) firstly I thought of cutting at every space, but for the cities like San Francisco, it won’t work
List of int array in Java
How do I print the contents of a List that contains a primitive type int object in it? Prefer answers to print this in one line. This is the code I have. This will give me [0,1] but I am looking for {[0,1],[2,3]} Answer The following one-liner can meet your requirement: It uses the positive lookbehind and positive lookahead regex
Substring a string in JAVA
Is possible to substring this String = “D:/test/for test/change.txt:D:/test/for test/further.txt:D:/test/for test/yandex.txt” to: Because are two column, I can not split() use “:”. Answer A simple regular expression below splits on “:” that are followed by a “driveletter:” Note that this won’t help if additional paths don’t begin with driveletter:
How to use Collections.binarySearch for ArrayList<List> arr in java
I have an ArrayList<List<String>> and im trying to use the built-in binary search in the collection but I always come up with an error int index = Collections.binarySearch(arraylistdata, id); Where arraylistdata is my ArrayList of List<String>. Answer This works fine, but you need to known that Collections#binarySearch accept a List<? extends Comparable<? super T>> as its first parameter. While in
How to convert from a double without a fractional part to a hexaicosadecimal string (base-26)?
I am wondering how do you convert from a double without a fractional part to a hexaicosadecimal string? What are some methods for converting and are there short cuts? Answer As far as I understood it is a base 26 conversion to letters only, with a prefix “c”. Not sure on the sign for a negative- number. One “shortcut” would
(Java) How can I make a loop that will assign random names I’ve generated from an array to multiple strings?
Relatively new to Java, looking for a solution to a crucial part of a game I’m making for a class. The idea is to make a very simple stock market simulation game, but the problem is related to creating made-up company names. I have three arrays for the first, middle, and last names of companies. I’m trying to make some