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Tag: string

GSON – trim string during deserialization from JSON

I have a JSON string that is parsed using the GSON library into a Map like so: The problem I have is, my JSON attribute values have trailing/leading whitespaces that needs to be trimmed. Ideally, I want this to be done when the data is parsed to the Map using GSON. Is something like this possible? Answer You need to

problem with equals() method when used after toString() method

When I tried to take two strings as input to a function and check whether they are anagrams, I am getting the wrong output. I have written the following code. The sample input I have taken is s = “anagram” and t = “nagaram” . When checked, both the char arrays are printing the same value, i.e. But my output

How to implements pattern for below logic? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I tried with And I got Cheap Cheap flights Cheap flights from Cheap flights from New Cheap flights from New York Cheap flights from New

Replace ASCII codes and HTML tags in Java

How can i achieve below expecting results without using StringEscapeUtils ? Current Results: Expecting Results: Already checked: How to unescape HTML character entities in Java? PS: This is just a sample example, input may vary. Answer Your regexp is for html tags <something> would be matched byt the html entities will not be matched. Their pattern is something like &.*?;

Java Looking for specific letters in a sting

I was wondering how to iterate over a string and to check how many hi’s come out For example, if the string is “hihi” the count should output 2. This is what I have so far Answer You compare instances (like String) with .equals (not ==). However, here you can use == with String.charAt(int). Also, I would start with the
