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Tag: spring

Spring Test cannot get Spring Configuration Beans

I also tried putting EnvironmentServiceTestConfiguration as a non-inner non-static class, but didn’t help. Here is what I tried in a separate class: didn’t work either The test class is located in test/java/com.bhavya.test package. I am trying to run this particular test test1 This is my first test of such kind. I have never before used AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, enlighten me. Stacktrace :

Spring Boot – NoClassDefFoundError: ch/qos/logback/classic/Level

I created a vanilla Spring Boot App (1.5.9.RELEASE) but when I Run As -> Spring Boot App (in Eclipse Oxygen) I get pom.xml App Remark I also tried mvn clean package -> java -jar target/boot-demo.jar which gives me Answer Extending Mark Bramnik answer, It does look like you don’t have logback, which is pretty weird because spring-boot-starter-web have a dependency

Spring RestTemplate message converter priority when posting

What is the most convenient way to influence the priority of the message converters Spring applies when POSTing with RestTemplate? Use case: I want to ensure a given entity is POSTed as JSON rather than e.g. XML when I do restTemplate.postForEntity(url, entity, Void.class). Default By default the entity is converted to XML because the MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter takes precedence over the MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter.

Adding spring security to an existing Spring MVC

I have spent hours to look for answers and fix this problem. But after spending many hours it seems I might need to put this question for help. I saw many similar scenarios but none became an answer. I already have a spring web application that runs well with out authentication. I am trying to implement a simple spring security

FF4J does not flip when using AOP annotation @Flip in spring project

I’ve injected ff4j following example. Ff4jConfiguration.class: and application loader was also changed: my ff4j.xml: My bean to verify ff4j In runtime I see ff4j bean injected correctly with correspond properties: I expect method log2 will be never called, but it is (All used methods were called, none ignored). Can someone help me what I’ve done wrong here please? Answer The
