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Tag: spring

Why spring-boot-starter-data-jpa 2.5.0 can not init data by the cause “table not found”?

I have 2 projects using the same H2 configurations: The first project used spring-boot-starter-data-jpa 1.5.8.RELEASE which can init data successfully. But the second one used spring-boot-starter-data-jpa 2.5.0 CAN NOT init data: Trace the log I have seen that the init data sql is run before the db structure generated. Spring team! Please help to fix this issue to save time

logback don’t log exception into file which throwed from an ThreadPoolTaskExecutor pool thread

I’ve got an wired problem, that seems like the logback only print my Exception stack trace on the console,rather than log it into an log file. The following is my experiment codes, I used an spring boot test with two thread pool,which simulating my production codes.Both thread print a log and throws an RuntimeException.But the exception info only print on

How can I build a predicate filtering to where ALL tags in an array exist, joined to a record, using criteriaBuilder?

Here’s an example of the syntax I’m using for another condition (where ANY of the tags appear on the document via a FK). predicates.add(root.join(Document_.tags).in({ pseudocode array of tags })); I’m trying to come up with a similar predicate, but where the Document entity has ALL of the tags listed in the filter. Answer if all the tags listed in the

Dynamic Bean configuration & loading in spring boot

I am following this link for understanding hexagonal architecture with spring boot. The infrastructure section contains the configuration for the service bean and the repository is passed as a parameter as a below method. Configuration I am not using JPA instead using Spring JDBC for interacting to DB. Linked tutorial is using JPA. Lets say I have different database implementations

ReactiveCrudRepository vs. R2dbcRepository

I am learning the reactive stack starting with R2DBC and this is what I don’t understand: What are the differences between these, when to use them, and how relevant the @Repository stereotype annotation is to them?; As far as I understand, both of them are @NoRepositoryBean and both are shipped together through the org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-r2dbc dependency. Answer There is
