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Tag: spring-security

Spring Security LDAP Authentication and gather user details from local database

In summary, user is being authenticated, but I do appear to actually have logged into the users account. I’m currently working on implementing LDAP authentication on a project. It appears that the authentication portion of things are working in the sense that my application does accept the correct credentials. The issue I’m having is that I cant seem to access

How to log in by email instead of username in Spring security

I use Spring security. Is there a way to log in using email instead of a username in Spring security? Answer You need an “email” parameter in your login form Then let your custom WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter know that “email” is a principal parameter now Finally, override loadUserByUsername() in your UserDetailsService implementation

How to add security for spring 5 websockets

I followed the following tutorial: Using WebSocket to build an interactive web application Everything works as described and aplication looks fine. I just have a nice controller: And a bit configuration. Now I want to add security for this simple application. I spent time to find an example but I could not find it. Generally I’ve found the tutorial: Preview

401 instead of 403 with Spring Boot 2

With Spring Boot 1.5.6.RELEASE I was able to send HTTP Status code 401 instead of 403 as described in How let spring security response unauthorized(http 401 code) if requesting uri without authentication, by doing this: using the class. I just upgraded to Spring Boot 2.0.0.RELEASE and found there is not such class any more (at least in that package).

delegate builder null when injecting authentication manager in spring security

I am in the process of converting an existing and working Spring Security (version 3.2.10) XML-configuration to a Java-based configuration. The XML-configuration I am replacing has an authentication manager configured: My Java configuration equivalent is: As the authentication manager is referred to by its alias in constructing other beans, I have overridden the authenticationmanagerbean like this: As suggested e.g. in
