I have a user table(and entity) and user groups group users are stored in bind table I want to have in my group entity list of userEntity(without bind entity). Any ideas? Of course, I can use @Query annotation, but I have other entities who mapped with group and they will automatic get group entity. Can I override automatical methods? Answer
Tag: spring-data-jpa
Spring Data JPA @Convert throws Operations Not Allowed exception
I am using @Convert annotation to encrypt and decrypt certain columns. @Data @Entity @Table( name = “tlp_task_comment” ) public class TaskCommentModel implements Serializable { @Id @…
How to load the collection of a LAZY association for an already found entity
Consider the following: @Entity @Table(name = “cars”) public class Car { @Id private int id; private String name; @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType….
@ResponseBody returns empty object
When I use below to get the user object it works just fine. Above gives me a response back as: Now, I am trying to search based on UUID(4) using this: This doesn’t return anything. No error, no warning whatsoever. While this gives me all the details I need: This is what I have in my Repository and Entity Question:
How to update a JSONB column in PostgreSQL using a Spring Data JPA Query
I have the following Controller If i remove/comment That is i don’t add the fetched result to the new updatedAdditionDetails (of type ArrayList), the DB updates successfully Otherwise i get the below error : ERROR: column “itemsinventory_addtion_details” is of type jsonb but expression is of type recordn Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.n Position In my
Stack overflow error for hibernate one-to-one mapping with Spring Data JPA
My problem is similar to this one https://discourse.hibernate.org/t/hibernate-throws-org-hibernate-id-identifiergenerationexception-attempted-to-assign-id-from-null-one-to-one-property/1777 but I am getting a different exception after applying the answer from this thread. My entities: Controller with corresponding Spring Data Repository: With this payload: I am getting an endless nested response with proper fields(distributor -> location -> distributor -> location ..), which ends with SO Error: I can’t fathom why does
JPA @PreUpdate @Persist seems not working as expected
I have a problem for filling auditing fields by using @PreUpdate and @PrePersist. For instance When I’d like to update a client entity, the field updatedBy and updatedAt are still null; despite when I debug, the code of preUpdate() which is annotated with @PreUpdate is executed. Below the code of AuditingField which is responsible for creating/updating the auditing fields in
how do i fetch derived/calculated column from database view or Procedure in Spring Boot using JPA/Hibernate and use it along with predefined columns?
I am working on a project as am learning Spring Boot with JPA,Hibernate with Mustache as for templates. i managed to create a view with one calculated column which calculates an remaining days from issueDate and expiryDate. the view works fine and i am able to display all columns except the calculated column. I need help figuring out how to
JPA @OnetoOne self reference relationship with both columns non null
I have an existing database table For e.g. T_STUDENTS on top of which I have to create a JPA entity. All three columns in the table are NON NULL and the table has a self-reference as mentor_id Each student has a mentor who is also a student. There is a strict OneToOne relationship between the student and the mentor. For
Using Spring data JPA EntityGraph with LAZY load mode for NamedAttributeNode field
I am facing with 2 problems: N + 1 query and Out Of Memory (OOM). I solved OOM by paging and lazy loading: But when I use lazy loading, N + 1 query happened. So I try to use EntityGraph as https://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-jpa-named-entity-graphs. But as my researches and local test, EntityGraph always do eager loading for NamedAttributeNode field – association field,