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Tag: lazy-loading

Using Spring data JPA EntityGraph with LAZY load mode for NamedAttributeNode field

I am facing with 2 problems: N + 1 query and Out Of Memory (OOM). I solved OOM by paging and lazy loading: But when I use lazy loading, N + 1 query happened. So I try to use EntityGraph as But as my researches and local test, EntityGraph always do eager loading for NamedAttributeNode field – association field,

Is Java 8 stream laziness useless in practice?

I have read a lot about Java 8 streams lately, and several articles about lazy loading with Java 8 streams specifically: here and over here. I can’t seem to shake the feeling that lazy loading is COMPLETELY useless (or at best, a minor syntactic convenience offering zero performance value). Let’s take this code as an example: This will log in
