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Tag: spring-boot

Composite annotations to reuse

we have couple of annotations, for springboot controller method. and these are mostly reused in multiple methods. combine as Is there a way we can create a composite annotation ? I know we might as well add a new one which encapsulates these, but at times this is not possible. Just trying to reuse these bunch as single or reduced

Spring Boot: use database config from WildFly’s standalone.xml

I’m currently developing an REST app whith Spring boot. For development, I hardcode my database configuration in However, this app is going to be deployed on different WildFly servers, each of them defining their DB config (user credentials) in standalone.xml. As I’m a newbe to Spring/Java, here is my question: How can I use the DB config from standalone

Spring data elasticsearch query on multiple indices

I have multiple indices for every day in elasticsearch and I am using ElasticsearchRepository to query my documents. Documents definition: My index will create dynamically for every day with this definition My Repository definition: When I query by client no just returning current day values. Test failed. Current day values returned not searched all indices. Probably Spring data searching a
