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Tag: spring-boot

Jackson is ignoring in my spring boot application

Jackson is ignoring I am using springBootVersion 1.4.2.RELEASE. In my file, I have added But Jackson is not honoring this property, and my REST response is still camelCase. Interestingly, this annotation works just fine @JsonNaming(PropertyNamingStrategy.SnakeCaseStrategy.class) With this annotation, I am getting snake_case response. But I don’t want to annotate each response class, it’s a bit annoying. Edit

Optional pagination with Spring

I am pretty new to java and spring. What I want to implement is api endpoint /tickets with pagination and sorting. I made it and it works. But also what I would like to do is to return plain list of all tickets if size and page are not specified in the query params, so in FE I can use

Logback conversion rule parametrizing

Is there any way of parametrizing conversion rule in Logback? I’ve tried adding child nodes, additional attributes and I don’t see a way to do it. I would like to add parameter that will be used by LongMessageConverter class. My application is setup on Spring Boot and I am using Sl4J. Answer This is more a question around Logback than

Why does MockMvc always return empty content()?

I’m trying to test my rest api with mockMvc. The test failed because of: From the output of print(), I can know the API actually returned the expected string “iPhone”. And I guess the empty “Actual” above is caused by empty “Body” below My questions are: Why MockHttpServletResponse’s Body is empty; How can I correctly test the response of API.

Spring-boot default profile for integration tests

Spring-boot utilizes Spring profiles which allows to have separate config for different environments. One way I use this feature is to configure the test database to be used by integration tests. I wonder, however: is it necessary to create my own profile ‘test’ and explicitly activate this profile in each test file? Right now, I do it in the following

Why do I always get Whitelabel Error Page with status “404” while running a simple Spring Boot Application

My Controller My JSP (welcome.jsp) inside /WEB-INF/jsp (parent folder is WebContent) My pom.xml My App Initializer I even added thymeleaf dependency to my pom. It still didn’t work. When ever I hit localhost:8080/hello or /indexPage or /indexPageWithModel it always says Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Wed
