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Tag: spring-boot

How to disable activiti auto deployment on Spring Boot project

I have a Spring Boot project where I used activiti-spring-boot-starter-basic 5.22 dependency. But whenever I am running the Spring Boot app the processes in src/main/resources/processes will always get deploy if it has been changed and I don’t want it to deploy. How can I disable auto deploy on Spring Boot? Answer You can add the following properties to your

Getting Error: …. nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.catalina.Context.addServletMapping(Ljava/lang/Stri

I am trying to run an Spring-Boot App, but it is giving me following error while running the application as a Java Application My POM file is as below And my Java file is Please help, thanks in advance…… Answer I guess that you are using tomcat 9 instead of tomcat 8. In tomcat 8 the method org.apache.catalina.Context.addServletMapping was marked

Spring boot JPA save manytomany relationship

I am trying to store a manytomany relationship but it not stores the relationship. The following code has generated 3 tables. Soldier, medal and soldier_medals. The service just make a call to a CRUD Interface with save(soldier). It stores correctly the soldier, but it not fill any row at the soldier_medals table. This is the JSON I send to the

package org.springframework.boot does not exist

I am trying to run a Small basic Spring boot program on my machine and I when I run clean compile (even before trying spring-boot:run) on maven I get the following Error : Here is my Pom.xml : And here is my java Class : I tried many solutions I could find on internet, such as deleting the .m2 repository,

How to print to console in Spring Boot Web Application

Coming from a Node background, what is the equivalent of console.log() in spring boot? For example I’d like to see in my console the job info in the following method. System.out.println(); is how I know to do it in Java but it doesn’t seem to appear in my console. Using IntelliJ. Answer System.out.println(job); like you have done. It prints something

how to set Shutdown parameters for rabbit mq listener

we are trying to shutdown all process which are all running in micro service Any Consumer currently doing some work when trying to ack their current message Any other action on the channel. I’d like to let the consumers finish whatever message they’re processing and then close everything down. if we stop the running process and allow the transfer of
