If I have Annotation: and trying to use it as target marker of Spring AOP aspect joinpoint marker, it works well for some aspect, weaved by that composite pointcut: In other words, it works well as “straight-forward” annotation usage, when I write code like this: But in case of META-annotation…: …it doesn’t work for example, in that code: Certainly, I
Tag: spring-aop
Spring is trying to subclass a record component when aop is present
I have a spring boot application in which I make use of aspects. Recently, I tried converting my @ConfigurationProperties classes to java records, but it fails with “Cannot subclass final class {..}Properties”. It seems spring is trying to make cglib proxies for my records, which obviously fail. Is there any way to tell spring not to make proxies for specific
Spring AOP and AspectJ on same method
I have a question about using aspectJ and spring aop method intercepting. I created 2 annotations: @AJTest and @SAOPTest. registered it and other and register it and added it to my method in controller Application class but when i call it by http://localhost:8080/test?firstParam=test&secondParam=2 i can’t see message with time of execution of the method, but can see how many parameters
Not able to rollback DB changes in Aspect in Spring boot application
I have written one aspect around a service class. In the aspect, I am doing some operation in the before section, which I would like to be rolled back if some exception occurs in the enclosed service method. The service class is as follows: The aspect is as follows: I am seeing an exception in the service method is not
Spring AOP @Pointcut and @Before yields IllegalArgumentException: error at ::0 formal unbound in pointcut
I am doing a springboot project that includes login and accounts. I am trying to @Pointcut all controller method calls and validate the login information, and @Before the pointcut to make sure the session exists. Hence the code: However, this yields org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘projectingArgumentResolverBeanPostProcessor’ defined in class path resource [org/springframework/data/web/config/ProjectingArgumentResolverRegistrar.class]: BeanPostProcessor before instantiation of bean failed;
Issues in serializing API request argument in Spring boot application
I have written one aspect to serialize the request arguments for APIs in Spring boot application, in DB as follows: The above code snippet is failing if we get HttpServletRequest/ByteStream as a request argument. For example, for byte stream I am getting following exceptions: For the request type of HttpServletRequest, I am getting StackOverflow error. Actually, I would like to
Custom AOP spring boot annotation with ribbon client blocking api call with return “1”
I have really poor experience with ribbon/eureka so forgive me if this is a stupid question: I have two different microservice both connected to a discovery server, the first one calls the second …
Adding @Aspect throws BeanCreationException
I am trying to use AOP in Spring. When I am using old DTD methods in XML, things are working fine. But when I am trying to use AspectJ notations, I am facing some issues. I downloaded the JAR files for aspectj from here. I added them to the build path and the code containing @Aspect annotations compiled successfully. But
Is there a way of calling an advice method after execution of certain line of code using spring AOP
I have been wring Aspect for logging purpose. Now i am able to use before and after advice. But is it possible to call an advice after execution of certain line of business logic. Here is my current code and i want to substitute my code with advice. How to do that? My Aspect class How can i replace tightly
How to create pointcut to feign client that supports interface inheritance?
In a Spring Boot project I have a simple feign client I need to intercept all calls and for this and I’m creating a common library that can be used in different projects. To achieve it I try to use Spring AOP. I created an aspect that wraps all public methods of the object annotated with MyAnnotation It works correctly