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Tag: selenium

sendKeys not working on textarea with area-label and getting element not interactable exception

Firstly apologies for such a bad title, kindly suggest a good title. Here are the details on my issue that I am facing: Website: Steps: Click on + button on top left Select images and upload any image update values in fields center, width and height Issue: Not able to interact with any of the text areas of center,

Selenium screenshot performance

I am processing animations taking place in a webpage in a video software. I am currently using Selenium 4 with Chrome and I’d like to achieve a better performance. I could not find a way to leverage the Page.startScreencast method via Selenium, so my current approach is simply taking periodic screenshots using Having looked at performance with VisualVM I can

How to find an element by mobile xpath with Appium matching @text attribute with a regular expression (regex)?

I’m automating Android apps using Selenium-Appium (Java) and I got some difficult to address the following need: I have an element that doesn’t have any of ID or ACCESSIBILITY ID configured. But I’ve noticed that its value is a fixed pattern, a date, like “dd/MM/yyyy”. So, I need “to get element in screen which pattern fits with ‘dd/MM/yyyy’ date pattern”.

Setting up Selenium correctly

I have been trying to install Selenium for about a day now, and I can´t get it to work. First, I just downloaded the standalone jar and added it as a user library. That did work out fine, until I wanted to use org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver. Apparently, this library is not included in the jar. So I downloaded the jar file for
