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Tag: parsing

java.util.Date is parsing wrong dates with dates before 1912

I don’t understand the reason why Jackson library is parsing wrong dates before 1912. I suppose the problem is the java.util.Date conversion, because the problem persists with Gson. This is my code: date is a field of type java.util.Date As you can see, the input is: 1911-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 And the output is: Sun Jan 01 00:09:21 CET 1911 (I don’t understand

Cache-Control : no-cache

I tried to build an app in android studio which does json parsing from a URL server with ports (example: So I found 3 methods such as asynctask, volley and okhttp. But the problem is everytime I parse it with these methods, the same exception always occurred. Unexpected status line: HTTP/1.1 Cache-Control:no-cache Here is my code So is

Parse JSON Data using POJO, Where key name is numeric

I’m trying to parse a special JSON data using Wrapper class, special means a JSON which have numeric keys like below : I know how to parse JSON data using POJO, But in this case java is not accepting the numeric as Keys. Wrapper/POJO Class I don’t want to go with JSON object based parsing. Is Anyone have any idea

How to force ANTLR to parse all input CharStream

I’m using ANTLR4 to parse a syntax file. When I use BaseErrorListener to detect errors, I got a problem. When faced with an illegal input string, ANTLR automatically matches the appropriate branch and then ignores the subsequent stream of characters even if it contains errors. And I want to detect that error. Here are my g4 file and java file.

How to parse JSON String to java object with jackson?

I am currently having trouble trying to parse this VCAP_SERVICES to java objects. I do not quite understand how to structure the POJO to allow it to map the values from the json string. Can someone please help me structure my pojo so that it is aligns with the json string? I want to create objects for both of the
