I have: Oracle 19c java 8 on its machine What i did: I write simple class with one method in Java 8. I compile my project with maven and maven-assembly-plugin to build .jar file with dependencies. I upload it with loadtool: loadjava -f -r -v -synonym -oracleresolver -resolve -grant <user> -thin -user <credentials> <filename>.jar There were 0 errors during upload.
Tag: oracle
oracle sql date errors
I need your help! I have a sql query that is executed within a jdbcTemplate like shown here : Then i just make a call : I made the same steps for a Update query and it works perfectly fine!! BUt in Insert query, it shows this error : I think i don’t need TO_TIMESTAMP or TO_DATE because jdbcTemplate makes
Unable to establish JDBC connection to Oracle DBMS in Eclipse
I’m using Oracle 18c Express edition and trying to connect to the same using the below code. And upon execution, there’s an exception: I am unable to figure out what’s wrong with the URL. Kindly help resolve this issue. TIA. Answer According to Oracle’s documentation the URL should be: Where user and password can be provided as connection properties: You
Spring Data JPA- ignore parameter if it has a null value in between condition
I’m trying to write the following query Now it’s work fine but I want if fromDate is null to bring all data till toDate and if toDate is null to bring all data from selected date in fromDate till current date and if both are null to ignore the condition Answer You can try next pattern
How to get nested cursor from a stored procedure – Java &Oracle
I have a stored procedure that returns a cursor and the cursor contains another cursor (col_ch in the bellow example). It is something like this (as I’m seeing it in my Java code) PROCEDURE my_proc ( i_val IN VARCHAR ,i_cont IN INTEGER ,o_out OUT CURSOR ); On my Java app I’m seeing in debug values from o_out id t_id col_ch
Saving new entity with JPARepository throws InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not extract ResultSet
Currently working on a REST API with Springboot + JPA/Hibernate + Oracle. I have an entity called Foo linked to a Bar entity with @ManyToOne (Mulitple Foo can have one Bar). When I send an HTTPS GET to get all Foos, everything works fine. The problem is when I try to send a POST request to create a new Foo.
MyBatis oracle insert new row always return wrong primary id value
Try to get the primary id after inserting a new row to oracle DB Here is the java call New data/row can be inserted into DB with no issue with correct primary key/id. But myID is always returned as 1(supposed to be 8971). How can I get the correct value. Thanks in advcance. version: Answer Your insert returns 1 on
Translation from Java to Oracle SQL: use every element into a loop as result of a SELECT statement [closed]
It’s my first time using Oracle function. I’m trying to translate this piece of code in Java to Oracle SQL. It’s present a SELECT statement before the loop for (int i = 0; i < checkList....
Making a SQL query that selects of list of values from more than one column
I have a table which is something like this: AccountNum Name RoutingNum a1 name1 r1 a2 name2 r2 a2 name3 r1 I want to select all rows with a specific pair account number and routing number, for example : For some context I just want to make a single call, that I would be making using jdbc, this is my
jooq query for sql query with analytical function
i have sql query like i need to write in jOOQ, any help. I tried the below Also,is there any way to avoid listing all columns in select. Instead of Something like Answer A derived table can be constructed like this: Also, is there any way to avoid listing all columns in select You’re looking for Table.asterisk() to produce the