I’d like to create a table called dni with that information in mysql server. Querys that failed: 1.”create table dni (id bigint not null, apellidos varchar(255), codigo_dni varchar(255), direccion varchar(255), fecha_nacimiento varchar(255), foto_perfil varchar(255), nombre varchar(255), primary key (id)) engine=MyISAM” 2.”create table hibernate_sequence (next_val bigint) engine=MyISAM” What I tried: –> put @Table(name = dni) –> put this on pom.xml org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
Tag: mysql
How to import data with getGeoLocation twitter4j to MySQL using Java Netbeans
I want to execute my Twitter crawling using Java importing data to MySQL. My problem is when I set parameter for getGeoLocation, which contained latitude and longitude, then I found something error. The output said it is hard to specify for parameter 4 (geoLocation): Many thanks for any comment! Answer Your query expects 4 parameters to be passed, but in
Can Make Redis server return NULL or False instead of JedisConnectionException?
We are developing an application that uses the Redis server as a cache server. So what We do are when a client request API it first go to Redis to get data if there is no data it returns null so the second step go to the MYSQL database to get data, But the problem when we lose the Redis
Can’t create method to get data from database hibernate mySQL + Spring mvc
my page I really hope for your help! The situation is this: I’m trying to get the value of my disciplines from the database, these disciplines are related to the semester. In the display page, the user must select the semester he needs, after which he clicks on the selection button and all disciplines associated with this semester should be
How to read database view metadata
I’m trying to use Java and Spring to read the table structure for a MySQL database. The code I’ve got (based on other answers on this site) is: If I call this code with the name of any of my database tables, it works perfectly. However, when I pass the name of any of my database views, I get the
Use a value in MySQL query in multiple lines without a variable
I have this mysql query that uses the same value I’m passing, 3 times over. Is there any way to make this query without me having to type the below And just use this Answer
Mysql query modification for best Performance
I am using a Round() function in MySQL query to get a SUM() value with 3 precision. But I am not sure whether this is the best way or get an actual value and round it off in java or js. I am a bit confused about which is the best practice and why? Select ROUND(SUM(ORDER_VALUE),3) from Orders or Answer
Mulesoft Anypoint 7 . MYSQL missing MySQL driver class
It’s a fundamental question but it’s a really annoying issue when starting with mule Error: “Cannot load class ‘com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'”. Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Error trying to load driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver : Cannot load class ‘com.mysql.jdbc.Driver’: [ com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, Cannot load class ‘com.mysql.jdbc.Driver’: [ Class ‘com.mysql.jdbc.Driver’ blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla That is very likely because I don’t have the mysql connector jar as a pom dependency. But
Spring Boot Hibernate Many To One not saving joinColumn result
I’m trying to store images in MySQL using Spring boot, I have a user entity and I want to create a Many To One relationship between my FileUpload entity. I’m using react on the front end and the purpose of this upload service is to have profile pictures that a user can set themselves but I’d first like to get
CommunicationsException: The last packet sent successfully to the server xxx milliseconds ago
I have a question about MySQL/JDBC connections in Java. I wrote an application that successfully communicates with a database, but the issue that I recently found out was that my DB connection was dropping, and I need the application to have a connection to the DB at all times. This is a small snipplet of the error I was getting: