How can one check if an integer is equal to another in a 2D array? I am trying to compare the integer “a” from the 2D array named “int[][]board” with the other variables (b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) to check if “a” is equal to any of them. I attempted to solve this issue by writing out
Tag: multidimensional-array
What is the quickest way to determine if two elements are in the same row or column in a 2D array?
As part of one of my programs, I’m trying to check if two elements in a 2D array are part of the same row or column. I know there might be many ways to go about this, mainly with loops and by iterating through the array, but I was just wondering: is there any quick way to determine this? Let’s
Java multidimensional arrays – How to refer to the length of different dimensions
We are learning about 2D arrays in my AP computer science A class and I have a question that I’m struggling to find the clear answer to. For some context when I’m talking about my question, ragged arrays are out of the picture and when I refer to rows I am talking about arrays going across and when I refer
Sort 2D array by average value of each line
I have complex task to differently sort two dimensional array manually. So far I get done those tasks: User needs to input row size from 10 – 20, Generate 2D array where row size is user input and column size is randomly generated from 10-50, Each array is filled with randomly generated numbers from 100 – 999, Output each array
Dividing a 1D array into a 2D array
So I have homework that asked me to: Write a method that takes two parameters: an array of integers and an integer that represents a number of elements. It should return a two-dimensional array that results from dividing the passed one-dimensional array into rows that contain the required number of elements. Note that the last row may have less number
Remove a specific row from a 2D Array
Given a 2D array and a string, how can I remove a row which does not contain a specific string? So far, I created a nested for loop which iterates through the array, adding all adjacent elements(except the string itself) to an ArrayList. However, I do not want to include elements from rows that exclude the specified string. If the
Why is my random number generator becoming an unused assignment when using it to input values for 2d array?
I have been making a basic game of battleship and to get the CPU to choose ship locations on a 2d array I am making two random number generators to pick values from 1 to 8 on a separate method. For some reason, the random generators show up as unused and I don’t know why. so far this is what
Array from recursive call being overwritten
We’re making a program to solve an asterisk sudoku via a recursive approach with back tracking. The solveIt method calls the solve method which is the recursive method. grid is declared before to be a 9×9 2D array that contains the puzzle to be filled in. If there is one solution, the program must print out the completed puzzle however
How to swap rows and columns of a 2d array? [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: Multi-dimensional array transposing (12 answers) Closed 1 year ago. I’m trying to write a method for ‘transpose’ a two-dimensional array of integers, in which the rows and columns of the original matrix are exchanged. However, I have no idea how I can realize this. How do I write out this method? Answer You could
error: incompatible types: String[] cannot be converted to String
I tried taking input of a 6 by 6 matrix in java using the string split function when the string is input in the following way, and to print the matrix. The output that I get is my code: pls, suggest how I can overcome this error Answer When we call split function of String return the String[]. So c[j]