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Tag: mockito

How to assert returning object in Java Springbok Unit

I want to assert the object which is returned from the method that I am testing in Junit using Assertions.AssertEquals but its giving test case failure even though two objects are same. Expected :Customer{Id=1, Name=’ABC’, Price=350, Type=’ABC’} Actual :Customer{Id=1, Name=’ABC’, Price=350, Type=’ABC’} This is the unit test case Answer JUnit method assertEquals simply uses equals method of your class to

Mocking a Nested Object in Junit

I have a service I am mocking like this: } the service: I need to be able to mock the “CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request, clientContext)”, such that the “response” object is something I create ahead of time. I am hoping some mocking when/then constructs would work for this? I would grateful for ideas on how to do this. Thanks! Answer

how to mock static class function with inner method in mockito?

I have a class name HibernateSessionManager which have static method I trying to mock i am using following function in @before My test case is following it passed but coverage is not touching following code here is my withSession code openSession Answer Looking at the code and assuming it compiles, I believe the problem is that you have two withSession(…)

Mockito only mock part of value and return real value for others

I have a unit test with a real object (Data data) and a boolean value (boolean required) as input. In my code I have In other places I also have And I’m trying to mock the return value of data.getObjectA().getPara1() to the booelan in the input But below won’t work: Or They either throw NullPointerException or Type errors What is

Why is the or-Matcher not working in my Mockito verify?

I would like to verify that either of the following two method calls get executed once: I have tried the following: But running the test method resulted in the following error: When I just test for a single method call as follows.. runs fine and my test is always successful when logWarn() gets called with argument “My 1st Warning

Getting a No Serializer Found for class when trying to test a method with ObjectMapper

I am getting this exception – java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No serializer found for class org.mockito.internal.creation.bytebuddy.ByteBuddyCrossClassLoaderSerializationSupport and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) (through reference chain: org.mockito.codegen.Object$MockitoMock$[“mockitoInterceptor”]->org.mockito.internal.creation.bytebuddy.MockMethodInterceptor[“serializationSupport”]) The Testcase I’m writing looks like this The method I’m trying to test: I see that I can disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, but I have no control over the base class, I can

Mocking Instance with deep stubs

I want to mock a lazy injection with deep stubs using: But myClassInstance.get().myMethod() results in a NullPointerException because myClassInstance.get() returns null instead of a mock. Is this an unsupported feature or am I doing something wrong? I’m using junit-jupiter 5.9.0 and mockito-junit-jupiter 4.6.1. Answer This is a result of erasure of generic types. Mockito does not have access to the

How to mock the Keycloak framework methods using Mockito in java

I’m the having functionality to fetch the following details from KeyCloak. User details Realm details Client details I want to write the test cases for those functionalities using Mockito. below is code logic for fetching those details. I want to mock the KeyCloak methods in my test cases for example I want to mock somethig like below I don’t know

Mockito expecting argument mismatch

I’m writing a Unit test with JUnit 4 and Mockito 4.6.1. I’m mocking an interface method with a specific input value. When a different value is passed, I’m expecting an argument mismatch error, but it’s not being thrown. Consider the following example: I’m mocking SomeInterface.test(true) to return 1. This works as expected. Now when I call mock.test(false), I’m expecting an
