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Tag: maven

“Module has no entry points defined”, except it does (migrating the gwt-maven-plugin)

[INFO] [ERROR] Module has no entry points defined I am migrating from org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin to net.ltgt.gwt.maven:gwt-maven-plugin, and I can’t seem to convince the compiler that my module DOES have an entry point defined. The old plugin could only work with older Java, which I don’t have anymore… So I moved on to the newer incarnation of the GWT Maven plugin… Unfortunately

How to response with JSP file using JAX-RS?

I’ve just started learning Java. I’m trying to create a simple CRUD web application using JAX-RS. I’d like to have a few pages with forms that will be sending data to my API resources. Unfortunately, I don’t understand how I can render an html page using JAX-RS. Perhaps there is another way to do that? pom.xml web.xml Answer I

Why are log4j classes loaded by two class loaders?

I have a maven project for an application, which I run in a WildFly server. The project has log4j dependencies: I would like to get the LoggerContext like this: However, this results in ClassCastException: After some debugging, I have discovered that the problem is that the class LoggerContext is loaded via two different classloaders. How could this be possible? At

Adding Maven framework causes problems in project

After adding Maven framework to my project everything turns red. A new package named “main” appears between packages “src” and the first package that I created “” (by hierarchy) as can be seen in the 1st picture. It also changes the import address. The 2nd picture shows maven code. Appreciate it if you could help. Some words are not in

Mysql problem ,cant resolve it, cant somebody help, i using java

Yoo coderrs, have problem connect and write table to my online free database. Problem is hereUnable to create requested service and Unable to make JDBC Connection 1class package sk.hibernate; 2.class persistence.xml POM Answer I just accessed your database with the following URL: (I masked the credentials). So you missed the prefix “jdbc:” You should quickly change your username and password

How to locate an element on this page?

I tried a lot to locate elements on this page with this link ALL I want to do is to select “1 queen bed” or “1 double large bed” and then select amount from the drop down list then press, I’ll reserve button. But I totally failed trying all of these:- using Action –> moveToElement –> perform() using JS Execution

openapi-generator-maven-plugin upgrade openapi spec to 3.1.0

I am using plugin openapi-generator-maven-plugin in version 5.3.1. Upgrading openapi spec from 3.0.3 to 3.1.0 causes generation phase errors: Spec sample: plugin error: Previous version of openapi works fine.. I couldn’t find information if plugin supports that version of spec, but error message is very vauge. How to use openapi-generator-maven-plugin with spec 3.1.0? Answer As of July 2022, OpenAPI Generator

Webapp deployment fails after maven implemtation

I am facing issue in deploying my web app on tomcat after I have implemented Maven for dependency management. Before Maven implementation, it was a plain web app where every thing was used to be managed manually. I started upgrading app with frameworks for learning and decided to implement Maven for dependency management as first step. While I implemented Maven
