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Tag: kotlin

Ktorm entities as springboot controller parameters

I’m trying to use Ktorm in my new springboot application, and get myself into problem when trying to use Ktorm entities interfaces as springboot controller parameters. The entity and Controller look like this: I got this exception once calling function addTask(): [HttpMessageConversionException] Type definition error: [simple type, class website.smsqo.entity.Task]; nested exception is: [com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException] Cannot construct instance of website.smsqo.entity.Task (no Creators,

How to design two seperate authorization/authentication configurations in spring boot?

I want to implement authentication and authorization for spring boot application with this design: First group of endpoints (“/api/**) will have authorization by passing the api-secret-key through requests headers. Authentication should be permitted for all. Second group (/admin/**) will have authentication by hitting the /login endpoint passing username and password where I will have custom UserDetailService. If the authentication is

How to make a custom-shaped Recycler View?

I need to make a recycler view whose elements will wrap around the ImageView (like this: Is there a way to implement this? Answer You can create adapter with GridLayoutManager and for items with indexes 6, 7, 10, 11 make empty transparent views. But as it were said in comment it is not appropriate use of RV. Maybe it

Action bar content is not hiding

so i want to use toolbar but when i change DarkActionBar to NoActionBar in the styles,action bar doesnt remove completely and app title is on my toolbar. here is my xml code: what can i do? Answer i think you have in MainActivity code like this and you got the result as shown in the screenshot just remove this

Integration tests with WireMock failing because no ALPN Processors are found

I’m writing some integration tests for a Spring Boot application written in Kotlin. To stub some HTTP requests, I’m using WireMock via spring-cloud-contract-wiremock as dependency. Some anonymized sample code from an integration test: While running these tests on my local machine, everything is working fine. On the CI/CD environment it’s failing though with the following error: I did some searching
