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Tag: kotlin

Flutter/Android: You uploaded an APK which has activity […] but without the ‘android:exported’ property. exported=”true” not working

After uploading my app to the google play store for internal testing, I get the following error message: I’ve tried setting the android:exported=”true” in my manifest like so: But I’m still getting the same error. In my build.gradle files I have these configs: Feels like I have tried everything. Could this be an SDK version issue, or what could I

implementation of Gateway Global filter in Kotlin to Java implementation

I have a scenario that I have some microservices, cloud gateway and eureka server. All microservices and cloud gateway registered on the eureka server. Cloud gateway will securing all the downstream services. When any user want to access the service first it will fill out the username and password for authentication on the cloud gateway. If the user will be

Custom button with a selection

I don’t know if this has been asked before. I am going to be building a calculator for my dad. He asked me if there is any way to have customization with the buttons. I have not done any code yet. I plan on trying a few things. My research has come up with nothing. This is what I am

In Android Jetpack compose how to achieve GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener…..?

I want to observe onFling Function to detect Velocityx and Velocity Means Swiping force/Velocity. In android we attach this to the android view.But donot find a way how to call this in Jetpack compose or alternative function for this in jetpack compose…? Answer Please take the Animation-in-Compose codelab to understand better, but for now, here’s how you can achieve something

test framework quit unexpected, Cucumber tests Kotlin intellij

I am trying to run test cases in cucumber for testing a mobile application using IntelliJ. The project code is in kotlin and I am using appium server to run the test case on android emulator. The test cases were working fine but after taking last pull request from project repository on github, the test cases are not running Cannot

Spring R2DBC Repos auto configuration not resolving dependencies

I Have the following repository: in which I try to use R2DBC in order to do db operations in an async manner. I followed the following tutorial (but maybe it is outdated Here are the relevant dependancies of my pom: I am using the default configurations, so I only have the following configuration in my properties yaml: And

call/run function from Kotlin with Nodejs

I’ve wrote some lines of code in Kotlin now i want to execute this function from Javascrip or Nodejs is that possible? I only find solution for calling JS functions but not for calling Kotlin functions for example: JS: Kotlin: I heared from Kotlin/JS but there are some difrents from the normal JS and Kotlin Thanks for helping Answer You
