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Tag: javafx

JavaFX WebView in Java Swing Project

i try to use the WebView in my java project, in my code is: but the this thown a exception And yes, this is not a JavaFx application. Answer You can embed JavaFX content into a Swing application using JFXPanel. Note that for this to work correctly, you have to be careful to create and access the Swing content on

tableview is empty when i add an item

I need help with an empty tableview. When I put items in an ObservableList and do setItems with this list, the tableview doesn’t show the items from the list. I have included Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example(I think). Main class. Afegir Class. And subvencio class. Edit: @James_D : I use an instance of one of your controllers because if i

Prevent JavaFX dialog from closing

I’m currently creating a dialog using JavaFX. The Dialog it self works very well but now I’m trying to add an input validation which warns the user when he forgets to fill out a text field. And here comes my question: Is it possible to prevent the dialog from closing inside the Result Converter? Like this: I noticed that the

JavaFX Get ComboBox from ChoiceDialog

I have a javafx.scene.control.ChoiceDialog object in my JavaFX project. When the dialog opens, I want to set the focus to the underlying ComboBox. However, I can’t figure out how to get the underlying ComboBox control. With a TextInputDialog, there is a method called getEditor(). Is there any way (other than reflectively accessing the private comboBox member) to get the underlying

Calling a method through from another controller JavaFx Creating an image gallery, where if I call the method, handleOpen() in RootLayoutController It’ll call method, createImageView() in ImageViewController To pass the variable file to it, any suggestions on how do I do it? Answer First, the createImageView() method needs to be public. In RootLayoutController you need to create a method to get the instance of ImageViewController

Translucent blurred background in JavaFx

I want blurred translucent background effect in my JavaFx app like in the following image. But I cannot find any satisfactory answer anywhere. This answer provides some workaround, it takes screenshot of background and sets it as background image. But the problem is, if background changes, it remain as it is.. (see screenshot) So, I have two questions If it

Edit the cell value at a dynamic TableView?

Is it possible to edit a cell value in a dynamic TableView (dynamic rows and dynamic columns)? All I found on the internet was some editable TextFields over the cells. However, I want to edit the value in the table and then update my List with the new data. I’m using IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.4 , JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 and
