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Tag: java

Java array: Finding index always returns the highest

Part of one of our assignments was to generate an array and then find the sum, average, lowest, and highest values. I have all of those working, but our teacher has asked us instead to return the index of the highest and lowest values plus one (to coincide with a month number). The issue I’m running into is that trying

Timed behaviors in Akka classic?

I am working with Akka classic, and have to setup timed behaviors – in Akka typed, I could do this using Behaviors.withTimers how do I accomplish this in Akka classic? It seems like we can create an actor in Akka using How do I use timers in this kind of initialization? Answer See the docs on Timers: In short,

DownCasting in generics in java

I am stuck in generics downcasting. Because I learn type erasure. When code compiles all parameterized types are converted to the upper bound if the bound is not defined then it changes to object. Gen Class GenDemo Class String str = strob.getob(); is converted to String implictly. how JVM converted strob.getob() to String. From where JVM found the strob.getob() is

Java Spring Boot consuming API with nested object returns NULL

I’m playing around with spring boot trying to consume a third parties rest api. The API call I’m using returns the below JSON object. My code successfully consumes this JSON object however it returns this. Note that rates={BTC=’null’} should be rates={BTC=’39049.424242′}. Any help is greatly appreciated. Below is my code (main) Answer You can user @JsonProperty annotation.

Multiple queries in E v5.6 REST high level client

How can I have multiple query in Search API in elasticsearch v5.6 in rest high level client? I need to have OR and AND queries in the search query. I’ve been using searchSourceBuilder, it only has one matchQuery. Thanks in advance! Answer You can use something like: BoolQueryBuilder finalQuery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery(); For OR clauses you can use: finalQuery.should().add(your query); For

Spring – how to automatically insert an entity in the database when inserting another (One-To-One relationship)?

Hi fellow software developers, Let’s assume we have the following scenario: we have a system where drivers can register. Each time a new Driver registers, the system automatically builds and assigns a Car to the driver. Let’s consider we have the following rest controller which exposes an endpoint for the drivers to register in the system: How would you Actually

Run a method for 5 sec

I would like to run a method every 1 ms in a timespan of 5 sec. Right now i am using The problem with this code is that it freezes the UI in the 5 sec timespan. Which I’m not interested in. Can a runnable or handler be used instead, and then terminated after 5 sec ? Regards! Answer You

BiGrams Spark using java

I already have the sentences in a RDD and the output looks like: RT @DougJ7777: If Britain wins #Eurovision then we have to rejoin the EU. It’s in the rules. #Eurovision2018 RT @Mystificus: Of course I’ll watch #eurovision tonight. After all, 200 million people can’t be wrong, can they? Er…🍊🔫… RT @KlNGNEUER: Me when Europeans make fun of Eurovision VS
