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Tag: java

Application failed after added swagger configuration

I’m using spring boot and I want to add swagger configuration, the problem is after I run the application I get this error: In my class I added this methods: In my pom.xml I added this dependencies: I can’t understand what is wrong, I followed online solution asking me to add @EnableSwagger2WebMv and @EnableSwagger2 but I still get errors. I

SubEthaSMTP Unexpected error in the SMTP handler thread NoClassDefFoundError jakarta/mail/internet/AddressException

SubEthaSMTP server running fine on port 25001. After a successful authentication from my client code to Subethasmtp server i am having this error message org.subethamail.smtp.server.Session: Unexpected error in the SMTP handler thread java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jakarta/mail/internet/AddressException This is my SMTPServerConfig class I am using usernamepasswordvalidator This is my mail client to send message to the server This is the output message This

How do I install jarsigner on Amazon Linux 2?

My understanding is that jarsigner is packaged with OpenJDK, which I’ve installed by running Now I have a bunch of synlinks to the jdk, like so: However, I don’t have jarsigner in the bin directory: What else do I need to do to install this binary? Answer It appears Amazon follows the RedHat packaging scheme with JRE and JDK separated,

Can I add a delay to a call to a Stub method in Spock?

I’m using the Spock Framework to test some Java classes. One thing I need to do is add a delay to a Stub method that I’m calling, in order to simulate a long-running method. Is this possible? This looks possible using Mockito: Can I delay a stubbed method response with Mockito?. Is it possible using Spock? Answer Spock is a

Why can’t a bind variable be used from ojdbc with Oracle JSON_ARRAY() in the presence of FORMAT JSON

In Oracle, the following query: Produces the following JSON document: When I try to run this query with bind variables from JDBC like this: Then I’m getting: I’m using these versions: Database: Oracle Database 21c Express Edition Release – Production ojdbc: Is this a bug? Can it be worked around? Answer In my opinion, it’s a bug in

PDF Signature invalid but Verfiy Signature with PDFBox2 is valid (true)

Sample PDF download: So when the PDF is opened in A.Reader (Contineous release) it says the Certificate is invalid as Changes have been made to this document that rendered the signature invalid. But I can’t see what/where is changed. Only a Signature (certificate) was added with our own application that adds correct signatures for thousands of other PDFs. No

test framework quit unexpected, Cucumber tests Kotlin intellij

I am trying to run test cases in cucumber for testing a mobile application using IntelliJ. The project code is in kotlin and I am using appium server to run the test case on android emulator. The test cases were working fine but after taking last pull request from project repository on github, the test cases are not running Cannot
