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Tag: java-stream

Creating a list of avalible Timeslots based on a list LocalDateTime objects and a List of taken Timeslots with Streams

I have a List<Timeslot> that contains entity Timeslot with the following fields: timeslot_id; day; start_time; end_time. For example, this list contains two records: start_time of the first record equals 9:00 and end_time equals 10:00. start_time of second object equals 10:00 and end_time equals 11:00. And the second list contains timestamps List<LocalDateTime>: I need to create a third List<Timeslot> that will

How can I use an If-statement inside the Collector?

The output I require is like this : The structure of this output is: Map<String, List<Pair<String, String>>> Where “Versions” is the key of the Map and [(“0.1″,”true”),(“0.2″,”false”),(“0.3″,”true”)] this is the value of the Map. Now, inside the Map we have a List like: List<Pair<String, String>> eg is this : [(“0.1″,”true”),(“0.2″,”false”),(“0.3″,”true”)] Where “0.1”,”0.2″,”0.3″ is the key of the Pair and “true”,”false”,”true”

Does flatMap method only flattens the stream and not map it?

I see it’s written everywhere that flatMap flattens and map the stream but in practical for example in the below program using only flatMap we can’t perform mapping operation(changing it to uppercase). We need to separately use map method here. Is my understanding about flatMap wrong? Can anyone please help to understand this – whether flatMap only flattens the stream

Mapping pair of elements into one with Stream IPA

So I’m wondering what is the best solution to the following problem: I have a list of items (a custom class) in a java collection ex Each item in the collection however has a corresponding logical pair also in the collection (so the pair’s are not necessarily following each other by index in the collection) I have a helper method

Program Can’t sort Employee List [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 12 months ago. Improve this question
