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Tag: java-stream

Ruducing a List of objects using Stream.reduce()

I have a list of objects, and I need to group objects having status equal to my customizedStatusto a single customized one with count = sumOfSameObjectsCount . We have class MyObject Suggested implementation : Things work like a charm in case there are multiple objects with status equal to my customizedStatus. Input : Output : In case there is one

Converting a Map into a sorted TreeSet using streams

The code is: Where the HashMap is There are 2 problems I run into using this code. First, for some reason Map.Entry::getValue runs into the error : The target type of this expression must be a functional interface I think the problem here is that the comparator cannot compare between two objects of type VehicleTransportation although pollutionLevel and price are

How to write a method that takes in a List of Integer, Float, Double and calculate the average?

I am trying to write a method that takes in a list of numeric values – eg List<Integer>, List<Float>, List<Double> etc – and give me the average. These are the errors I get: Operator ‘+’ cannot be applied to ‘capture<? extends java.lang.Number>’, ‘capture<? extends java.lang.Number>’ Answer OptionalDouble average() Where, OptionalDouble is a container object which may or may not contain

Java 8 reduce method calls depending on a value

How to optimize method that returns the first non empty value returned of the checkN() methods and prevent the rest method calls and isEmpty() calls: #1 I thought of using stream filter and return first that has value, but it requires to call each check: SOLVED as M A suggested, finalized solution for me was: Answer Instead of constructing a
