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Tag: java-stream

Get every nth element of nested lists using Java Streams

Here’s a function that will take a nested ArrayList allLists, an index nth, and return the nth element of every sublist. E.g. for allLists = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9}}, nth = 1, the function will return {2,5,8} I’ve managed to get a version working where I can print it out: How to gather the results into an array? Answer Solved:

Merging instances of objects in a list by attribute

I have an object Person which has firstName, lastName and email I have a list of Person where there are potentially multiple Persons of the same firstName and lastName and I want to merge these by their email address with a delimiter. i.e. Person A = Person B = And I want these to be merged into So as to

What is the difference between Stream.of and IntStream.range?

Please, consider this code: The output will be: Could anyone explain, why output of two streams are different? Answer Well, IntStream.range() returns a sequential ordered IntStream from startInclusive(inclusive) to endExclusive (exclusive) by an incremental step of 1, which means it’s already sorted. Since it’s already sorted, it makes sense that the following .sorted() intermediate operation does nothing. As a result,

Two loops for into stream

I have some String method with two for and if: And I still try to change this implementation to some stream. Is it possible in this case? I’ve tried many options, but I have a problem with indexing (index++;) and then with filter in tableCells By.tagname. I think that is it not possible to change that full method to stream,
