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Tag: jackson

Get Jackson XMLMapper to set root element name in code

How do I get Jackson’s XMLMapper to set the name of the root xml element when serializing? There’s an annotation to do it, if you’re serializing a pojo: @XmlRootElement(name=”blah”). But I’m serializing a generic Java class, LinkedHashMap, so I can’t use an annotation. There’s probably some switch somewhere to set it. Poking around in Jackson code, I see a class

deserialization of a json array to a list and retaining the array order from json within list

I have the following json that is mapped to a POJO using Jackson mapper. How do I retain the order of array columns from json during deserialization ? What annotation should I use ? JSON: } POJO: } Expected getColumnNames(): {“FirstName”,”LastName”,”UserName”} Actual getColumnNames(): {“UserName”,”FirstName”,”LastName”} I am new to Jackson mapping so any help is appreciated. Answer Jackson mapper fill the

JAXB Mapping to JSON

I have written a JAX-RS (Jersey) REST Service, which accepts XML messages of ONIX XML format. Generally, I have generated all the required classes for JAXB binding from the given schema with xjc. There are more than 500 classes overall and I cannot modify them. Now, when I have a JAXB-mapped object, I need to store it to the database.

Jackson read json in generic List

I’m using Jackson in order to read json messages. One of the values that I’ trying to parse is a List and another value contains the type of the data in the list. This is the structure i ‘ve created in java. Through Class.forName(); I can get the class which represents the data in the list. The question is how

Ignoring property when deserializing

I have a simple interface with getter and setter for a property. I have another class UserAccount which implements this interface. My problem is that I want to serialize the money property but ignore while deserializing it i.e., dont accept any values from the user for this property. I have tried @JsonIgnore on setter and @JsonIgnore(false) on the getter, it

Casting LinkedHashMap to Complex Object

I’ve got an application that stores some data in DynamoDB using Jackson to marshall my complex object into a JSON. For example the object I’m marshalling might look like this: Where SomeObject might look like this: and SomeOtherObject might look like this: This is fine an the object gets marshalled no problem and stored in the DB as a JSON

Cannot construct instance of – Jackson

I am using Jackson and I’m having problems, when I try to deserialize an Object I get the following error: I am having problems in the attribute: Could anyone help me? Answer You cannot instantiate an abstract class, Jackson neither. You should give Jackson information on how to instantiate MyAbstractClass with a concrete type. See this answer on stackoverflow: Jackson
