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Tag: itext

lock pdf with itext after sign

I need to lock a pdf after applying a signature, I need the output file to look like this one: locked as you can see it says “locked by signature”, I tried adding the lock like this when I get the pdf signature appearance: but all I have got in return is this: mine only a message that says “no

How to get CMS (PKCS#7) from PKCS#1 Zeal id integration

I am integrating CSC2QR zeal id integration. where i am sending the Base64 URL encoded SHA256 hash (OGRlY2M4NTcxOTQ2ZDRjZDcwYTAyNDk0OWUwMzNhMmEyYTU0Mzc3ZmU5ZjFjMWI5NDRjMjBmOWVlMTFhOWU1MQ==) for signature and in response I am getting PKCS#1 raw signature . I am stuck on how I can use this information to digitally sign the document. I am using itext7 . I am also getting signer certificate as a response Response

iText paragraph.setRotationAngle changes text orientation

I’m trying to add some vertical texts to a PDF file, but when I rotate my paragraphs with setRotationAngle every space turn into a line break or the text orientation is changed, I’m not sure. The pictures show the result I expect and the result I’m getting. I’m using iText 7.1.0 at NetBeans 12.3. Result I want Result I get

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.GeneralName.getDERObject()

I have done migrating project from itext2.1.7.jar to itext5.5.13.jar but While testing the pdf which are having signatures am getting the below error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.GeneralName.getDERObject() This is the method where I am getting error: In my class path I have placed: 1.bcprov-jdk15on-1.49.jar 2.bcpkix-jdk15on-1.49.jar 3.itextpdf-5.5.13.jar BouncyCastle libs I have added according the pom.xml which I got while downloading itextpdf. This project

how to change image position to center in PDF android

My app create pdf using this code problem is when user select smaller size image than page size it will move to top left corner i have tried and if image is bigger than page size it goes out of the page I want to shrink the image size to page size Answer I have Changed this image position to

iText: Set height of table cell with image

I created a table with iText (latest iText5 version) and I’m filling it with text and images that are read from a specific folder on the same PC: Both columns in the table use the same width (which is great) and big images are automatically resized to fit the width (which is also great), the only thing that’s not

The non-latin text is disappearing from the pdf text field

I create a PDF document with text fillable fields using itext 7.1.9 library. The PdfTextFormField contains a multilanguage text. When the PDF document has created, I open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader and the non-latin symbols are disappearing from the text field and I see only latin symbols, but if I click on the field the whole text will be

Download pdf from response (okHttp3) – JAVA spring boot / display on browser

I’m working with external API , when I execute one of the request that returns pdf I cannot handle it in the server side . If I copy paste the api request :{“partner_order_id” : “0d7836b4-2eba-475f-b2d6-1b95092534b0” , “language”:”en”} the browser open a pdf in the browser and download it . when I execute this url in the java code how

iText PDF: the document has no pages

I’m trying to do a date range based filter to export a report into a PDF; however, when I click to export the PDF, I get the following message: ExceptionConverter: The document has no pages. Here’s my PDF class’ code: And here’s the code of the PDF generation button: I believe there’s a problem with SQL and JDateChooser, since
