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Tag: ip

Multiple application on single PC

I have installed Tomcat server on my server PC with IP One application is running on the server. Let address of the application is: Now if I want to run another application on the same server, address will be: I want multiple application with multiple addresses like, a) Is this possible to have multiple address

Which IP does a call from angular use for backend call?

Maybe that’s a easy question (I am sure it is). But I couldn’t find an answer yet. My Angular frontend and Java Backend are running on the same server, with the same domain. From witch IP is the Backend called by the frontend? The server ip? Or the client ip of the user? Thanks!! Answer The frontend is only hosted

Fastest way to scan ports with Java

I made a very simple port scanner, but it runs too slow, so I’m looking for a way to make it scan faster. Here is my code: This code tests if a specific port is open on a specific ip. For timeout I used a minimum value of 200 because when I go lower it doesn’t have enough time to
