I am trying to include GIFs in my android application. My GIFs are shared as a document on Google Drive with public access enabled. Currently, I’m trying to use Glide to include the GIFs. However, although there is no error, the GIF does not display on my phone, even after a long time(internet issues shouldn’t be the problem). It appears
Tag: imageview
Add View programmatically and after adding on button click change view background
Add View dynamically in LinearLayout and after adding View change any View background on the click button. On button, click change all imageview background or particular ImageView. Note : llLayout is my linear layout this layout adding in XML Answer when you are adding imageView into linear layout, at that time you are setImageBitmap to imageView. if you want to
How to set filter property in ImageView Android studio
I have a yellow sparkline png and I would like to change the filter by adding some css. Colors will change according to positive or negative number. So, if the number is negative, the line should be: CSS If positive: ImageView: MainActivity.Java EDIT: What I have: What I want: EDIT: Now I used an ImageFilterView: But I still need to
Image Picked from Gallery ImageView Disappeard
I have a tabLayout with ImageView and when I Pick A image from the gallery and display it to Imageview then when I close the app the selected image is gone then I need to pick an image again. And I know this one looks the same as my question but still not working saving image picked from gallery for
How to display an image from the Gallery in an ImageView?
I created a button that lets the user choose between “Take picture with camera” and “Select picture from gallery”. When the picture is taken/chosen, I then display it in an ImageView of the next activity which I do by passing the URI of the file created to store the taken/selected picture. It works as expected when the user takes a
I used Glide library to load image into imageView and I don’t know how to make image pinch to zoomable
I tried using Picasso too and then connecting it with PhotoView library but it didn’t do anything, when I tried pinch to zoom it didn’t zoom at all, here is part of that code: Answer You can for example use this library. https://github.com/MikeOrtiz/TouchImageView Load your image into this widget, instead of ImageView Sample usage: Notice, that i also use SimpleTarget
JavaFX Image (class) and ImageView with a URL
I know how to use Image with a url there was a good example here https://stackoverflow.com/a/24934324/7159163 However, when I input a URL into the string it doesn’t work although the Javadocs say if it not a URL it will try to find the file. But it is a URL and its just not displaying. All that has been changed is
setImageResource() with attrs value
I’m trying to put an image to my ImageView, with a custom attribute defined by me, I’m doing it this way: Attrs: ImageView Attrs: Than in my View: And set the image to the ImageView with: But nothing appears, I’ve tried also with: And: UPDATE: I’ve already tried to parse attribute with ta.getInt(..) and its work fine! I can not
Calling a method through from another controller JavaFx
RootLayoutControl.java MainApp.java ImageViewController.java Creating an image gallery, where if I call the method, handleOpen() in RootLayoutController It’ll call method, createImageView() in ImageViewController To pass the variable file to it, any suggestions on how do I do it? Answer First, the createImageView() method needs to be public. In RootLayoutController you need to create a method to get the instance of ImageViewController
How to reference an ImageView from inside Java code in Android?
I have this xml-file: I’m calling my TextView in my java code like this: Is there any way to do the same for an ImageView? Answer Ya sure.. you can create an object as like TextView you did above,and create a folder named drawable under res folder and place the image u need,and set image view image by calling its