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Tag: imageview

Image Picked from Gallery ImageView Disappeard

I have a tabLayout with ImageView and when I Pick A image from the gallery and display it to Imageview then when I close the app the selected image is gone then I need to pick an image again. And I know this one looks the same as my question but still not working saving image picked from gallery for

How to display an image from the Gallery in an ImageView?

I created a button that lets the user choose between “Take picture with camera” and “Select picture from gallery”. When the picture is taken/chosen, I then display it in an ImageView of the next activity which I do by passing the URI of the file created to store the taken/selected picture. It works as expected when the user takes a

I used Glide library to load image into imageView and I don’t know how to make image pinch to zoomable

I tried using Picasso too and then connecting it with PhotoView library but it didn’t do anything, when I tried pinch to zoom it didn’t zoom at all, here is part of that code: Answer You can for example use this library. Load your image into this widget, instead of ImageView Sample usage: Notice, that i also use SimpleTarget

JavaFX Image (class) and ImageView with a URL

I know how to use Image with a url there was a good example here However, when I input a URL into the string it doesn’t work although the Javadocs say if it not a URL it will try to find the file. But it is a URL and its just not displaying. All that has been changed is

setImageResource() with attrs value

I’m trying to put an image to my ImageView, with a custom attribute defined by me, I’m doing it this way: Attrs: ImageView Attrs: Than in my View: And set the image to the ImageView with: But nothing appears, I’ve tried also with: And: UPDATE: I’ve already tried to parse attribute with ta.getInt(..) and its work fine! I can not

Calling a method through from another controller JavaFx Creating an image gallery, where if I call the method, handleOpen() in RootLayoutController It’ll call method, createImageView() in ImageViewController To pass the variable file to it, any suggestions on how do I do it? Answer First, the createImageView() method needs to be public. In RootLayoutController you need to create a method to get the instance of ImageViewController
