I’m wondering what is the best way to replace and old ibm batch java application: In fact , I have a java application which contains basically two classes and can be started using two shell files; a shell to send and message and another one to consume messages present in the Queue. sendMessage.ksh => start the application and calls send
Tag: ibm-mq
Customize the automatic reconnection settings to IBM MQ
I have written a code to connect to IBM MQ, and i am using ConnectionNameList which automatically reconnects to ibm mq. I want to customize the reconnection which is happening implicitly. I have referred many articles on the internet but i am not able to figure it out. This is my Queue Manager Config: When i stop the queue manager,
JMS, consume a message from a topic only once
I have a requirement to establish a point to point communication with publisher and consumer in my application. What I’m given is a topic. So I should make sure the message in the topic will be consumed only once and only one instance should consume it. (There are multiple instances of the consumer.) I understand message queue is the solution
Why does a variable of type com.ibm.jms.JMSTextMessage print truncated content and ellipses (…)?
I would like to understand why a variable of type com.ibm.jms.JMSTextMessage is printed with truncated content and ellipses (…) when converted to string. I have this code in a JSR223 Sampler in JMeter: I would like to understand why log.info(msg.toString()) does not print the whole text content and show ellipses after some point (…) If I do log.info(msg.getText()), I can
IBMMQ consumer application unable to consume TextMessage ( JMSCMQ1049: The character set ‘1208(UTF-8) Unmappable Action: REPORT)
I have a consumer application that uses IBMMQ to consume messages from the queue manager. I have no control over the publisher, only the consumer. Here is the part of the code for my consumer: This code works fine and is able to retrieve the message as a TextMessage object for almost all of my queues except for one queue.
Connect to IBM MQ using JmsListener
I have a Spring application and I want to connect to IBM MQ using JmsListener. This is my configuration: This is my consumer: I have deployed the application into TomEE plus container, and I have sent few messages to the queue: I have also added the below entries in the servlet-context.xml However, application did not consume these messages. How do
Message contains escape character in the message sent to MQ and cause exception when converting to JSON
I have a method: and my DTO’s toString(): I realise when the other application received the MQ message (using Spring Boot with JMS), the escape char appeared, causing errors. I tried to do replaceAll(“\\”, “”) but it couldnt find anything to replace. How can I get rid of the in the message sent to the MQ? Answer The
IBM MQ client preventing garbage into the console output
we are using IBM MQ client (com.ibm.mq.allclient- from a Spring-Boot project sending mq messages, the problem is the too many (tons) garbage output into the console: ….. —-+—-+- } &…
Browse, read, and remove a message from a queue using IBM MQ classes
I’m writing a simple Java application using MQ classes for Java with Eclipse. Right now I’m able to browse a remote queue without removing the messages stored. Here is the code of the reading cycle: Main question: After the read message line and before moving the cursor to the next message how can I remove the message from the queue?