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Tag: html

Java Spring and Existing HTML site

I have established connection between my Spring project and MySQL DB, I also have an existing HTML site with login and register templates. Can someone point me into the right direction on how to connect Spring with my existing HTML? Answer In order to implement login and register workflow you need to implement few things: REST API http endpoints for

How to change my Selenium code to HtmlUnit [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed last year. Improve this question I have the sellinium code below and it working fine. What I want is

Filtering out formatting tags from JSoup selectors

JSoup here. I have the following HTML I’m trying to parse: Unfortunately its actually slightly malformed (missing some closing tags, opening and closing tags on <b> and <u> are out of order, etc.) but I’m hoping JSoup can handle that. I don’t have control over the HTML. I have the following Java model/POJO: I am trying to get JSoup to

Vaadin 14 show simple HTML Page

I made some kind of internal manual for a webapp that i am developing. I am using Spring Boot and Vaadin 14. How to implement a button that shows that document? The html doc is in my resources folder. I wonder if i am stupid. Or should i write my own controller for this? Answer A Vaadin application itself is

SpringMVC with Bootstrap and Thymeleaf pages decoration

I am working in: “SpringMVC 5”, with “Twitter Bootstrap 4” html pages, and “Thymeleaf 3” templating, in IntelliJ EAP (latest version) and Tomcat9, Maven The structure of my project: I am using these tutorials: I have my page (home.html). I have my template (template.html). According to the 2nd tutorial: I inserted the “menubar” into the “template” (this insert

Is there API of IDEA communicating with JCEF’s webview when developing IDEA’s plugin?

I am currently preparing for developing an IDEA plugin involving webview containing some information. Since I have developed a VSCode extension of similar functionalities and it uses many webviews, I plan to migrate those HTML to IDEA’s plugin by JECF. However, the functionalities require some interaction with the extension/plugin, as in VSCode I could click some elements of the webview
