I am new in mapreduce and hadoop (hadoop 3.2.3 and java 8). I am trying to separate some lines based on a symbol in a line. Example: “q1,a,q0,” should be return (‘a’,”q1,a,q0,”) as (key, value). My dataset contains ten(10) lines , five(5) for key ‘a’ and five for key ‘b’. I expect to get 5 line for each key but
Tag: hadoop
java_home is not read by hadoop
I installed java8 with brew install –cask adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8 but i think i messed things up, when i type echo $JAVA_HOME it gives /usr/bin/java when i type java -version it gives java version “1.8.0_311” Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_311-b11) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.311-b11, mixed mode) when i type /usr/libexec/java_home it gives /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home when i try to
remote flink job with query to Hive on yarn-cluster error:NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/mapred/JobConf
env: HDP: 3.1.5(hadoop: 3.1.1, hive: 3.1.0), Flink: 1.12.2 Java code: Dependency: error 1: try add dependency get another error try to fix conflict about commons-cli:1.3.1 with 1.2: choose 1.3.1 then error 1; choose 1.2 then error 2; add dependency commons-cli 1.4, then error 1. Answer
Update to mapred-default.xml not visible in web UI configuration
I have an Apache Kylin container running in docker. I was getting a Java heap space error in map reduce phase so I tried updating some parameters in Hadoop mapred-default.xml file. After making the changes, I restarted the container but, when I go to Yarn ResourceManager Web UI and then to Configuration: An xml file is opened, looking like this:
Hadoop NumberFormatException on string ” “
20.2 on windows with cygwin (for a class project). I’m not sure why but I cannot run any jobs — I just get a NumberFormatException. I’m thinking its an issue with my machine because I cannot even run the example wordcount. I am simply running the program through vscode using the args p5_in/wordcount.txt out. Here is my code, copied directly
MapReduce filtering to get customers not in order list?
Currently learning on MapReduce and trying to figure out how to code this into Java. Two input files, called customers.txt and car_orders.txt: customers.txt =================== 12345 Peter 12346 …
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: play.api.libs.functional.syntax.package
I am getting this following error (Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: play.api.libs.functional.syntax.package) while I am trying to run my code I have right dependencies and added right Jar …
Read a file from google storage in dataproc
I’m tring to migrate a scala spark job from hadoop cluster to GCP, I have this snippest of code that read a file and create an ArrayBuffer[String] This code runs in the cluster and gives me 3025000 chars, I tried to run this code in dataproc: it gives 3175025 chars, I think there is whitespaces added to file contents or
Checkpoint with spark file streaming in java
I want to implement checkpoint with spark file streaming application to process all unprocessed files from hadoop if in any case my spark streaming application stop/terminates. I am following this : streaming programming guide, but not found JavaStreamingContextFactory. Please help me what should I do. My Code is Answer You must use Checkpointing For checkpointing use stateful transformations either updateStateByKey
create file with webHdfs
I would like to create a file to hdfs with webhdfs, I wrote the function below In the last print I don’t see my file… Any idea ? Answer