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Tag: grpc

Spring: re-initialized a bean

This is my Spring bean in the configuration class that creates a gRPC ManagedChannel: The controller method is provided below: The service class is: For each request, I create a new ManagedChannel in the service method processRequest and shut it down using the method called shutdownManagedChannel. Earlier, I try to use the @Autowired for the managed channel as below: This

How to access gRPC server in matlab?

We have moved our DataAccess logic to Microservice and it is currently implemented as gRPC with C++ and we are able to utilize that in C# client and C++ client. Now we have to make use of this DataAccess grpc in Matlab client(legacy). So, i’m trying to find a way to access gRPC from Matlab and found that there is

Could one gRPC server run multiple same class of service?

Consider following code I want this server to run two AService with different args, argA and argB, is it possible? If possible, when a AStub call the method, which instance of service would it call? Answer I believe it is not possible, because each service is added to a map, by name, therefore new AServiceImpl(argB) will override the other.

I can’t generate the gRPC stubs classes

I managed to generate the classes through the .proto file but they are in the build. I would like the classes to be generated within the main because when I am going to extend the stub, it is not being possible to implement the methods. Look: File .proto: The .proto file is inside the main folder. Does anyone know how

GRPC clojure BigDecimal to java BigDecimal

I have a java client that is calling a Clojure service via GRPC. The problem is when we get the response back from their service it is adding letters to the end of the big decimal. When we try to convert it to a big decimal in java we get an error converting from a string to a big decimal.

Channel ManagedChannelImpl was not shut down properly

If I run following these two tests I get the error. 1st test 2nd test io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelOrphanWrapper$ManagedChannelReference cleanQueue SEVERE: ~~~ Channel ManagedChannelImpl{logId=1, target=localhost:8081} was not shutdown properly!!! ~~~ Make sure to call shutdown()/shutdownNow() and wait until awaitTermination() returns true. java.lang.RuntimeException: ManagedChannel allocation site at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelOrphanWrapper$ManagedChannelReference.( If I comment out one of them, then no errors, unit tests pass though but the

Why does ManagedChannelBuilder not have TLS parameters for making TLS connections to the server?

In this example you see that the TLS client connection has various TLS parameters such as But my app has thus far used which by default seems to support TLS. The only parameter it takes is “usePlaintext” which can turn off TLS. Note: I have installed OpenSSL on the machine, as recommended by This page does state:
