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Tag: google-cloud-platform

Database URL do not match

I’m trying to send user’s data to Realtime Database in SignUpActivity in my project. For that I created a database reference and copied the url that is written in my Realtime Database with the following code: However, when launching the app I get Fatal exception stating the following: 2022-06-21 14:50:24.921 8323-8323/com.dinocodeacademy.maingoquizagain E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.dinocodeacademy.maingoquizagain, PID: 8323 java.lang.RuntimeException:

When i retrive children from firebase using recylceview TextView Won’t Show

I’m using Android Studio when I run my app and add or show RecycleView list, text view shows only the title not data inside firebase this is the textviewaddCateogryclass What would be causing this? used the same data on firebase child. firebase realtime database Firebase ModelCategoryClass AdapterCategoryClass CategoryAddActivity class Answer The following lines of code: Should be changed to: Meaning
