I have deployed a spring boot application to Google cloud appengine service. When I run the application locally using mvn appengine:run everything works fine and I’m able to send requests to REST APIs and get expected responses back. In fact when I deploy the application to appengine I can see the application logs which indicate that server is up and
Tag: google-app-engine
Why deploying a spring boot (Java) application to Googles App Engine gives error for both Flexible and Standard environment?
It is a Spring boot Java application using Maven. I am using Intelij for developement. I am availing $300 as I got by default from GCP and using it. For a flexible environment, the app.yaml configuration is Error as below: The requested amount of instances has exceeded GCE’s default quota When I using a Standard enviorment The Error showing as
com.google.api.client.auth.oauth2.TokenResponseException: 400 Bad Request (Eclipse)
I have been stuck at “Deploy to APP Engine” from Eclipse, and following error message always popped up. Possible actions what I can think of were taken but all failed. Here is my situation what I have right now. Application(Java Servlet) run normally in debug level “Deploy to App Engine” from Eclipse was working fine in 2018 around Available software
Issue understanding installation error with App Engine Flexible – Java SDK?
I am currently trying a simple App Engine Flexible app and struggling with what I think is a setup and permissions issue. I have tried various different install methods – using gcloud and Maven, and …
In GAE Java Standard environment how to scale based on memory consumption?
I developed an application, that makes some calculations, and those calculations consumes memory, the user need to use same machine recursivelly then after 15 minutes without use the memory is cleared, but if I got many users acessing the instance I got memory out problems, its normal, because the algorithm was created to consume memory, the point is I can
How to deal with Sessions in Google App Engine?
I am successfully creating sessions in servlet and I can get sessions/ session attribute to jsp but not in endpoints class. I want to get the sessions info in endpoints classes. Please help me with this. I am using maven in eclipse and I enabled sessions in appengine-web.xml I read an article about this also except how to enable session
GAE JSF form tag error?
I make JSF project on GAP and it work well but when I put tag this problem appear HTTP ERROR 500 Problem accessing /welcome.jsf. Reason: DisableIdUniquenessCheck Caused by: Answer java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: DisableIdUniquenessCheck at com.sun.faces.util.Util.checkIdUniqueness(Util.java:812) This field was introduced in Mojarra 2.1.9 (evidence: it’s absent in Mojarra 2.1.8). This thus suggests that you’ve 2 Mojarra versions in your runtime classpath. One is
Bizarre yet predictable triple and interleaved call to servlet when using GWT devmode
I am using Google Web Toolkit and Java Google App Engine to write an app. I have found a situation where the following happens very predictably. I have a servlet the app.yaml entry for which looks like this: This servlet checks that the user is logged in (redundant, I know), looks for the user in the database, and if found
How to pass arguments to .jsp file when using javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher.include()?
I’m using the Model/View/Controller style of building web apps by routing an incoming HttpRequest to a Controller Servlet written in Java and then when the Servlet is finished, having it render back a View using a .jsp file. (This is very much the Rails style.) Doing this requires a line like this at the end of the Controller Servlet: The