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Tag: file-upload

Upload files to Microsoft Teams using API

I have an access token for Microsoft Graph. I have to upload file to the channels file tab. Can anyone help which endpoints I need to use for upload file to file tab I am calling below API: PUT: I am getting below response: { “error”: { “code”: “BadRequest”, “message”: “Entity only allows writes with a JSON Content-Type header.”,

Content-Type not allowed: fileUpload in Struts 2

I am new to Struts 2 and trying to do use fileUpload interceptor. I am attaching all my code layers Action Class (FileUploadAction): error.jsp: Success.jsp: fileUpload.jsp: I am not understanding why I am getting this error Although my uploading file format is .jpg. Answer You are getting this error probably because you don’t allow files with content type image/pjpeg. Use

How to convert a multipart file to File?

Can any one tell me what is a the best way to convert a multipart file (org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile) to File ( ? In my spring mvc web project i’m getting uploaded file as Multipart file.I have to convert it to a File(io) ,there fore I can call this image storing service(Cloudinary).They only take type (File). I have done so many searches
