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Tag: docker

Docker and jre 11 in Debug mode

I was trying to get a remote debug session running on my docker container. Actually the debug session always gets blocked by an IOException.. Dockerfile Entrypoint: Any ideas, whats wrong with this? Answer since java 9 you have to specify your adapter, or simply use an escaper for the debug host as such: great documentation in openjdk btw..

Docker (Spring Boot or Thorntail) and Keycloak

i have a Problem Running Spring Boot and Keycloak both in docker containers. I started with Keycloak with mysql as db running in docker. Then i added my realm (SpringBootKeycloak), my client (testclient), and a user with role ‘user’. After that i added spring-security to my Spring-boot-application. And edited my application.yml accoring to that i added my SecurityConfig: Running my

Docker and Java – FontConfiguration issue

We’ve got a Java application that generates word documents using a 3rd party (Asposee but I don’t think it matters here). The app is built from a simple Docker file: When we build the application locally (mvn package then docker build) and run the application inside k8s it works well. However, when we build the image in our CI/CD pipeline

getting a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException when starting a Docker container

I am having a problem starting a .jar file within a Docker Container. The error message I am getting is: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ccinfw.MainApplication I have added information below. Why am I getting this error and how can I fix it? TIA Manifest File ran jar -xvf BackEndRestFunctionality-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > expanded. Below is a portion of the output. MainApplication.class

docker stats shows zero memory usage even for running containers

I have two containers ran by Docker Swarm: Host OS is Debian Jessie. There are JVM applications in both containers. Why does docker stats show zero memory usage? Should I configure my Java apps somehow to be able to see memory usage in docker stats? Is there some other way to check memory usage? Answer It is quite possible that

Build docker image with jetty – when should I build?

I’m working on ‘dockerizing’ a java web application ( which I want to run using jetty. Here the Dockerfile: The current docker image works perfectly, but it requires the application to be built before (it cannot be built from the fresh git clone). For example I could not run a build with the docker HUB build system. What would be

How to pass System property to docker containers?

So I know you can pass Environment variables to a docker container using -e like: But I need to pass a System Property to a docker container, because this is how I run my JAR: So how can I pass a -D System property in Docker? Like: Answer Use the variable you passed into the container on the java command:
