I am building a war using maven (mvn clean install), the build is successful but the problem is few spring-boot related jars are getting missed in the war file(I checked using jar tf command) and instead of that many other springboot related classes and layer.idx file is getting added. How to remove these so that they are not included in
Tag: docker
Unable to build Java 16 app with Gradle via Docker
I have a standard Springboot application written with Java 16. This compiles and builds just fine in my IDE and via CI/CD etc. However, attempting to move the building to a docker file and I’m hit with: I assume this is some under the hood thing but I can’t figure out how to resolve it. I’ve tried different Gradle images
Java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused on Docker + Keycloak
I’m new to Docker and I’m having a hard time connecting Keycloak to my local MySQL database. Does anyone have a hint of what’s going on? This is my Dockerfile: The error log shows: Steps already taken: Disabled Firewall; Added bind-address: to my my.cnf file; root@% already has all privileges; Tries setting DB_ADDR and DB_VENDOR in all possible configurations;
Access localhost from docker container
I have an assignment to set up 3 docker container on localhost:8081, localhost:8082 and localhost:8083 which i’ve done succesfully.Then there is a last container that is a java app on localhost:8080 and it needs to send requests using HttpClient and HttpRequest to the other containers i’ve done this creating a bridge with “docker network create web_server –driver brigde” and im
Docker Unable to find user: no matching entries in passwd file for OpenJdk11
I’m trying to build and run the image with a non-root user and keep getting the error: “unable to find user test: no matching entries in passwd file.” Here’s what my Docker file looks like: I already tried searching for the error and looked at other places but none seems to work for me. Could someone help me out here?
GitLab CI docker build – docker: not found – exit code 127
I’m trying to create a CI/CD Pipeline for a simple java/maven project. The runner that I’m using is a docker runner. I’m using a dockerfile to create a container which installs maven/java/etc.. and in this container the program should be tested. Sorry for the question but I am new to CI/CD Pipelines in GitLab. GitHub works just fine have a
create specific schema in mysql with docker-compose
I have to create a specific schema for each service. First, I will connect with the database as a root user with the help of docker-compose file docker-compose.yml Second, I will create schema.sql file under the root path of the spring boot project. schema.sql 3.Finally, Connect with the specific schema on the database from the project with the help of
Spring Boot application cannot run in Docker
I am building a Spring Boot application for providing some REST services and I’d like to import it in Docker. If I run my application within IntelliJ pressing the run button, I can load the endpoints correctly. My app is listening on the port 8091, as my dockerfile is the following The code for building and running the docker container
Spring Cloud Stream Kafka with Microservices and Docker-Compose Error
I wanted to see if I can connect Spring Cloud Stream Kafka with the help of docker-compose in Docker containers, but I’m stuck and I didn’t find a solution yet, please help me. I’m working from Spring Microservices In Action; I didn’t find any help by now. Docker-compose with Kafka and Zookeeper: Docker-Compose with my Spring services: App.properties for my
How to bundle tesseract-ocr with a serverless Java application built for Azure Functions?
I am adding Apache Tika for extracting text out of documents and images (with TikaOcr) to an already existing service in the Azure Functions based on top of AppService. Now, Apache Tika requires tesseract to be installed in the machine locally. To overcome that, I used apt-get to set up (by ssh-ing) into the server but (from what I understand)