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Tag: docker

Unable to build Java 16 app with Gradle via Docker

I have a standard Springboot application written with Java 16. This compiles and builds just fine in my IDE and via CI/CD etc. However, attempting to move the building to a docker file and I’m hit with: I assume this is some under the hood thing but I can’t figure out how to resolve it. I’ve tried different Gradle images Connection refused on Docker + Keycloak

I’m new to Docker and I’m having a hard time connecting Keycloak to my local MySQL database. Does anyone have a hint of what’s going on? This is my Dockerfile: The error log shows: Steps already taken: Disabled Firewall; Added bind-address: to my my.cnf file; root@% already has all privileges; Tries setting DB_ADDR and DB_VENDOR in all possible configurations;

Access localhost from docker container

I have an assignment to set up 3 docker container on localhost:8081, localhost:8082 and localhost:8083 which i’ve done succesfully.Then there is a last container that is a java app on localhost:8080 and it needs to send requests using HttpClient and HttpRequest to the other containers i’ve done this creating a bridge with “docker network create web_server –driver brigde” and im

Spring Boot application cannot run in Docker

I am building a Spring Boot application for providing some REST services and I’d like to import it in Docker. If I run my application within IntelliJ pressing the run button, I can load the endpoints correctly. My app is listening on the port 8091, as my dockerfile is the following The code for building and running the docker container
