There’s this weird problem. I’m currently testing two repository classes that I plan to use as MockBean. The snippets of the code are as follows: For ClassARepoHibernate For ClassBRepoHibernate Now then, on the testing class, I put this up: When I run this test, it gives out this error before even going to the breakpoint if I debug: This confuses
Tag: dependencies
The package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind is not accessible Java (268436910)
I have recently explored handling JSON data with the org.json library and all went well. Now I started a bigger Maven project, for which I intend to use the Jackson libraries in stead. Sadly, it does not seem to work for me. I wanted to try out the ObjectMapper class, that VScode autocompleted for me, which also automatically adds the
Ensure Maven pulls latest version of release
This question is a little different than the other “checking for latest dependency version” type questions. Let’s say we have a project, DepProjA, that builds and publishes an artifact for our other Java apps to import as a dependency. For example, AppProj1 lists DepProjA as a dependency in its pom.xml file. As you may notice, DepProjA, publishes “feature” versions of
Maven Resolver always downloads maven-metadata.xml from remote repositories
I am currently working on a project that has a built-in library loader for maven dependencies. This is my current code: The issue I’m experiencing is that every time the program is restarted and the library loader is called again, the resolver tries to download the maven-metadata.xml file of the dependency from all repositories that didn’t have it in the
Is it possible in main app to use dependancies from added dependancies?
The problem I have is that I have a Library which I want to use in the Main App. In the Library I have added external libraries, and the question is, is it possible to use directly code of this external libraries in Main App despite of that these libraries are not added directly to Main App but to my
how to remove log4j form recursive dependency?
I was trying to remove the log4j dependency from my project which is a huge repository. After having a close look in gradle files I found one of the module refers to the log4j dependency, which I excluded in gradle as shown in below code – exclude group: ‘log4j’, module: ‘log4j’ After this, I ran a search for log4j jar,
Maven dependency showing up in External Libraries, but errors when used in project
So I’m trying to use a project I made in a different project. I uploaded it to Jitpack and am now using it in my pom.xml like this: This appears to work fine, as the dependency shows up in my External Libraries: Dependency in external libraries As well as in the IntelliJ IDEA autocomplete (Concept is a class from the
Tools to generate library dependencies mapping graphs for java application? [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 6 months ago. Improve this question I am looking for a tool to generate a dependencies mapping
How to fix “NoClassDefFoundError” for a package inside a package
Java Program File Location : File Location : File Location : Folder View It has nested package, one package inside another package. When I compile main class i.e, “A” it compiles successfully but when I run this program it shows following error : Please help me how to fix this error. Answer A simple solution to your
Android, opencv – No implementation found for long org.opencv.core.Mat.n_Mat() when trying to initialize Mat
I want to do some things using OpenCV and I’m trying to create Mat object: On this line I get the error: I have OpenCV as separate module in my android project and have imported it into my main module by adding implementation project(path: ‘:OpenCV’) in its build.gradle in dependencies section. I have seen one simillar question but it is