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Tag: csv

Spring Batch avoid launch Reader and Writer before tasklet

I’m working with spring batch and have a job with two steps the first step (tasklet) validation the header CSV and the second step reads an CSV file and Write to another CSV file like this: I used a FlatFileItemReader (in ClassitemReader) and a FlatFileItemWriter (in ClassiItemWriter), before reading CSV. I checked if the header of CSV file is correct

Export google CrUX data

I am trying to move a subset of the CrUX data to .csv file(s) for analysis with tools not available on google search console. I tried to export one or more .csv file from a query like so to a google cloud storage bucket (or any other place really): I have tried two different approaches: A. export query results to

Java Export Arrays$ArrayList to csv

I’m going to do a Java library on a simple data frame that can read CSV files, edit the CSV and export CSV file. My problem is on how to export it. Here is how I read my CSV file: And this is how I implement the write CSV file: And this is the exception that it throws to me:

parsing csv file dealing with empty value java

I am new to java and practicing parsing csv file. I’ve figured out how to parse and use a constructor to create an instance. However, there are empty strings in my csv file, and the console just throw IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant to me. I’ve referred to: enum valueOf IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class Parse CSV file in java, and

How to read csv using column name in java

I have tried reading a column with its index using below code: for eg. As I am passing col index in col1, but I am not able to store the column header text in variable to print that which column is having blank value. Is there any way I can read the column to validate blank cells and then print

How do I escape commas with Jmeter reading from a CSV data set?

I am testing a chat bot with inputs, and one of the rows reads, for example The input is sending only “Just in case”. I have tried Just in case, where is the nearest doctor’s office Answer Did you read the CSV specification (RFC 4180) or the Wikipedia page? It says exactly that you don’t escape , but rather wrap
